Wednesday, February 28, 2018

U.S. congressman: Jews died in Holocaust because they didn't have guns

Report: Images reveal new Iranian military base outside Damascus
New satellite images purport to show base built to house missiles "capable of striking Israel." 
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How Russia is using Syria as a military 'guinea pig'
High-ranking Russian officials claim countries are lining up to purchase battle-tested hardware. 
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U.N. report links North Korea to Syria's chemical weapons program
“We knew stuff was going on. We really wanted to up the game on chemical weapons programs, and we just weren’t able to get what we needed to do so." 
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Iran to host 'hourglass festival' to count down to Israel's destruction
Themes of the festival include Israel, a cancerous tumor; Israel, a fake, racist and colonialist regime; and the Quds-occupier regime (Israel) and terrorism promotion. 
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Liberman: IDF foils 20 to 30 terrorist attacks a week 
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Demolition of Netiv Ha'avot outpost homes delayed by 3 months | Read more
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Longtime Meretz leaders Gal-On and Gilon drop out of party leader race Read more
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Churches and municipality in game of chicken: 'Who will swerve first?'
‘We have no one influential to talk to in the government,’ church insider says.
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Israeli efforts to 'leverage' Kushner weakness contributed to clearance downgrade
Kushner is leading the Trump administration’s efforts to broker peace between Israelis and Palestinians, as well as trade negotiations with Mexico. 
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U.S. congressman: Jews died in Holocaust because they didn't have guns
The fierce debate over gun control in the US has resurfaced in the aftermath of a February 14 shooting at Florida's Majory Stoneman Douglas High School. 
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United States may help expand Saudi nuclear capability
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Netanyahu set to go to Brazil in June as ties pick up
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Jewish Agency calls on gov't to grant legal status to over 500 African migrants Read more
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Gal Gadot nominated for kids' choice award
The Wonder Woman actress was nominated for favorite movie actress. 
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The Jewish teenager running to be governor of Kansas
One day he hopes to visit Kansas. And turn 18. And be able to vote. And graduate from high school.
4 min read
WATCH: Ambassador Friedman wishes Twitter a happy Purim - in song
The ambassador unleashed his musical talents on the social media site. 
2 min read
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