Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The 02/28/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest: Please use this link to forward to a friend (we really appreciate it),

The 02/28/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
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Iran: Women protesting against hijab to be charged with inciting prostitution, jailed for up to ten years
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2018 01:32 pm

Iran: Women protesting against hijab to be charged with inciting prostitution, jailed for up to ten years
The idea behind the “inciting prostitution” charge is that it is women’s responsibility to prevent men from being tempted. If she takes off her hijab, she is inviting them to be tempted. And that’s tantamount to prostitution, in the Sharia-wracked minds of Khamenei and Rouhani. “Women protesting against wearing the hijab in Iran will be […]

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Maryland: Muslim wanted to bomb federal buildings in Baltimore, “kill a lot of people”
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2018 01:15 pm

Maryland: Muslim wanted to bomb federal buildings in Baltimore, “kill a lot of people”
Is Baltimore diverse enough yet? “Md. Man Who Supported ISIS Could Face Additional Terrorist Charge,” by Jonathan McCall, WJZ, February 12, 2018 (thanks to Creeping Sharia): BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A Maryland man who pleaded guilty to supporting ISIS is now one step closer to learning his punishment. Mohamed Elshinawy pleaded guilty to charges of supporting […]

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Robert Spencer at PJ Media: Michael Moore: NRA is a Terrorist Organization, Worse Than ISIS
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2018 01:00 pm

Robert Spencer at PJ Media: Michael Moore: NRA is a Terrorist Organization, Worse Than ISIS
To a Leftist, it is. My latest at PJ Media: In a fury over Nikolas Cruz’s shooting rampage at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore joined the chorus of voices on the Left blaming the NRA for the murders. He tweeted Friday: “The NRA is a terrorist organization. The […]

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UK: Muslim migrant rapes pregnant woman in her own bed, lawyer says he has a “traumatic past”
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2018 12:45 pm

UK: Muslim migrant rapes pregnant woman in her own bed, lawyer says he has a “traumatic past”
“The woman, who was in bed with her husband, awoke to find Rashidi pulling at her pyjama bottoms.” Diversity is our strength! Sexual assault occurs in all cultures, but only in Islam does it have divine sanction. The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a […]

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Sweden: Muslim migrant boy rapes man at gunpoint
By Nicolai Sennels on Feb 27, 2018 12:22 pm

Sweden: Muslim migrant boy rapes man at gunpoint
[Editor’s note: This kind of behavior is widely accepted among Muslims in Afghanistan and elsewhere. It derives indirect justification from these Qur’anic passages promising male believers boys in Paradise: “Those are the ones brought near in the Gardens of Pleasure, a company of the former peoples and a few of the later peoples, on thrones […]

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Israeli Jew converts to Islam, plots to join the Islamic State
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2018 12:15 pm

Israeli Jew converts to Islam, plots to join the Islamic State
Around the world we see it: people from all kinds of backgrounds convert to Islam and end up plotting treason and mass murder. Yet authorities remain completely incurious about this recurring phenomenon. “Jewish convert to Islam jailed over plan to join IS,” Times of Israel, February 26, 2018 (thanks to David): The Nazareth district court […]

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Erdogan wishes martyrdom on young girl, “Allah willing”
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2018 08:27 am

Erdogan wishes martyrdom on young girl, “Allah willing”
The Islamic concept of martyrdom involves killing Infidels and being killed in the process, as in this Qur’an verse: “Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties, for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed.” (Qur’an 9:111) “One user said […]

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Video: Robert Spencer on The Milo Show on Malala and the PC FBI
By Robert Spencer on Feb 27, 2018 07:55 am

Video: Robert Spencer on The Milo Show on Malala and the PC FBI
Yesterday I appeared on The Milo Show. Milo and I had a wide-ranging and often riotous discussion. Here are two clips, on Malala and the Obama FBI’s scrubbing all mention of Islam and jihad from counterterror training materials: The whole show, which was great fun, is available to subscribers here.

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Irish government paid media to promote plan to bring in one million Muslim migrants
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Feb 27, 2018 07:37 am

Irish government paid media to promote plan to bring in one million Muslim migrants
The Irish government has been slammed for paying journalists to write good news stories about Project Ireland 2040. Unveiled by the government last week with a commitment to spend €116 billion, the document outlines plans to boost the Irish nation’s 4.7 million population by another million using mass migration. As absurd as it sounds for the […]

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Germany: The “Anti-Merkel,” vociferous critic of her Muslim migration policies, joins Merkel’s cabinet
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Feb 27, 2018 07:30 am

Germany: The “Anti-Merkel,” vociferous critic of her Muslim migration policies, joins Merkel’s cabinet
Angela Merkel has given the job of health minister to her biggest critic, Jens Spahn, and according to a report by Reuters, Spahn does not intend to stop being the “anti-Merkel”; he will work toward a “rightward shift in the party once he becomes health minister.” Amid growing protests against migration in Germany, Spahn is […]

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Kenya: Muslims murder three Christians, scream “these infidels should be wiped out”
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Feb 27, 2018 07:17 am

Kenya: Muslims murder three Christians, scream “these infidels should be wiped out”
Suspected members of Islamic jihad group Al Shabaab shot three Christians to death in northeastern Kenya after bursting into their sleeping quarters at a primary school. Murdering Christians is a common activity for these jihadis, for the reason indicated by one of the murderers, who said: “These infidels should be wiped out.” Islamic jihadis have […]

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