Sunday, September 30, 2018

Friend of the Jews: How Dr. Adelaide Hautval Defied the Nazis and Saved Jewish Lives by Menucha Chana Levin

September 30 - October 6, 2018 / 21 Tishrei 5779


Jews Fighting the News

by Yaakov Astor



Editor's Picks:

Two Celebrations of the Torah

by Rabbi Benyamin Buxbaum


The Lost Torah Scroll

by Rabbi Binyomin Pruzansky


Dancing with the Torah

by Rabbi Yerachmiel Milstein

Weekly Torah Portion Click Here...
Today's Quote – Tishrei 21
A Bird That You Set Free
Today's Photo – Tishrei 21
Dressing Up for the Kotel
This spectacular photo by Noam Chen was taken in the Hula Valley in northern Israel.
Daily Question
Sukkot is a time to appreciate everything you have in your life. What is one thing you are very grateful for but don't always appreciate?


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