Sunday, September 30, 2018

Judge Jeanine Pirro Explodes On Dianne Feinstein Over Her Twisted Kavana...

Published on Sep 16, 2018
Judge Jeanine Pirro explodes on Dianne Feinstein over her twisted Kavanaugh accusation. Judge Jeanine absolutely laid into Senator Dianne Feinstein over her latest “Demon Rat” dirty trick used in the process of confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Dianne Feinstein tried using a vague, decades-old accusation against Kavanaugh as a way to try to block him from being eligible to serve as Supreme Court Justice. And Judge Jeanine leveled Feinstein in her Opening Statements.

Jeanine said she believes the letter is nothing but a bunch of hog wash, especially since it’s coming from a party who is trying to use a fake dossier to get rid of the President.

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