Former President George W. Bush has had his image redeemed with many Democrats simply because he has been critical of the current leader of the free world.
The entire Bush family loathes President Trump for not only preventing the restoration of the family dynasty but for his soul-crushing torment of “low energy” Jeb who he reduced to a whining lump of Jello during the 2016 primaries.
In their blast furnace hot hostility toward Trump, the political left has had a miraculous change of heart towards Dubya and have been singing his praises as of late.
Many people have short memories because it was Bush who once drew the media and Democrat comparisons to Hitler over a decade before Trump famously rode down that escalator and eventually, made history.
But for all of the warm and fuzzies that the left has found for Mr. Bush, that all may evaporate after the ex-POTUS came to the defense of the battered but not bowed Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
For all of Bush’s failings (and there were many) he hasn’t been bamboozled nor browbeaten by the media and the hate-crazed Democrats in Congress with their lynching party based on unprovable – and likely false – accusations of old sexual assaults.
Bush joined those who stood up for Judge Kavanaugh and reaffirmed his support for his former assistant.
Via Politico, “Bush standing by his support of Kavanaugh”:
Former President George W. Bush is standing by Brett Kavanaugh even after Christine Blasey Ford delivered powerful public testimony detailing sexual assault allegations against the Supreme Court nominee.Asked if Bush still supported his former White House aide’s nomination to the high court, Freddy Ford, Bush’s chief of staff, told Politico on Thursday afternoon: “Yes, he does.”Bush had previously told Political last week in an exclusive statement: “Laura and I have known and respected Brett Kavanaugh for decades, and we stand by our comments the night Judge Kavanaugh was nominated.”The former president had previously said of Kavanaugh: “He is a fine husband, father, and friend — and a man of the highest integrity. He will make a superb Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.”
A tip of the cap for Bush over his loyalty but it’s not going to earn him any points with the hate mob that only a few short years ago was a legitimate political party.