Sunday, September 30, 2018

Bill Maher Makes Homophobic Joke About Lindsey Graham And "Dead Boyfriend" John McCain

September 30th, 2018
Bill Maher Makes Homophobic Joke About Lindsey Graham And "Dead Boyfriend" John McCain
HBO host Bill Maher made a homophobic joke on Friday against Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and the late Senator John McCain, suggesting  Read More ›
3 Free Bottles of Turmeric for You (supplies limited)
There's no strings attached here, you won't be put into some auto-ship program or anything like that. You just get 3 bottles for free all they ask is that you cover shipping Read More ›
Elizabeth Warren Hints At 2020 Presidential Run
Pocahontas is almost ready to make it official. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Saturday during a town hall meeting that she would consider a run for the Democratic nomination in 2020 once the midterms are over Read More ›
Did Maxine Waters' Office Doxx GOP Senators During Kavanaugh Testimony?
The personal information of Republican Senators Lindsey Graham, Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch was posted to Wikipedia Thursday during the hearing of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.  Read More ›
FBI Reaches Out To Second Kavanaugh Accuser; Avenatti 'Gang Rape' Client Ignored
Less than 24 hours after President Trump bowed to pressure from Senate Republicans and ordered the FBI to conduct a one-week long "supplemental background investigation" into  Read More ›
The Pentagon Is Building Technology Allowing Troops To Control Machines With Their Minds
Transhumanism is well on its way to becoming a reality in the United States military, as the Pentagon has announced that it’s working on a new “neural interface” technology Read More ›
Insanity: Watch Violent Antifa Mob Attack Open Carry March At Kent State
Infowars sent reporters to Kent State University in Ohio on Saturday to cover an Open Carry Event on campus, where Antifa showed up instigating violence to spark a new  Read More ›
Police urge citizens to protect themselves with THIS
Police note that 93% of the time simply brandishing a non-lethal weapon will discourage attackers since they are usually looking for 'soft targets'. Read More ›


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