Judge Jeanine Pirro dropped the gavel on the “establishment” Republicans who caved by once again delaying the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation process by consenting to demands for an FBI investigation.
Friday’s shameful display of abject cowardice when outgoing Senator Jeff Flake was able to join with Dems including his new BFF Chris Coons to once again give The Resistance everything that they wanted was a gutless surrender.
There is simply no other way to spin it.
With the vote on Kavanaugh now being delayed AT LEAST another week and likely more when the next “victim” is trotted out to launch the weekly news cycle, Flake and those who even let it get to this point may have forever damaged what was once a respectful and normal process.
There are many who are hoping that the extra week will fully exonerate Judge Kavanaugh but it should be pointed out that the FBI has become a politicized entity that thanks to deeply embedded Obama-Hillary loyalists, is on a literal mission from God to destroy President Trump.
You have to love Pirro for her ability to cut through the B.S. and call a spade a spade which is exactly what she did on her Saturday night Fox News show where she eviscerated spineless Republicans for once again bowing to the “Demon Rats.”
She also called into question the account of the “manipulated” Christine Blasey Ford and flayed both “Spartacus” Booker and the “Cheshire Cat” Dianne Feinstein.
Transcript excerpts via Grabien, “Judge Jeanine on Kavanaugh: ‘Establishment Republicans Have Buckled, Caved and Bowed to the Demon Rats’”:
“Is it just a he said-she said, is it really that simple? And why is this now in the hands of the FBI? Why? Because the establishment Republicans have buckled, caved and vowed to the Democrats or should I say demon rats, that’s what I said — demon rats, the spectacle I saw this week was one to have most pathetic, disheartening saddest displays for which the nation has stood witness.It was all for intents and purposes a crucifixion of a man, I’ve been prosecutor and then the da, sex crimes and crimes against women and children were my crusade, I assess whether cases should go forward, whether the accused should be charged, convicted and if so as a judge what the sentence should be, no one sympathizes more than I when it comes to women who are the silent victims of crime. I created the first domestic violence unit in the nation which was a department of justice pilot program. Christine Blasey Ford is a lovely lady who is credible and I believe something happened to her but she’s in over her head and she is being used.No matter how many brain comparisons she made, she couldn’t remember the fundamentals, whose house it was, where it was, when the party was, how she got to the house or how she got home, she waits 36 years not telling her mother, a friend, high school counselor or anyone before now.”ANDJeff Flake is dumb enough, weak enough to not even get it and Cory booker, the wanna-be Spartacus has the gall to criticize a man who is literally an altar boy of sexual assault, the ultimate hypocrite Booker admits groping another young woman when he was 25, why aren’t we going after him?But my favorite, Dianne Feinstein, madame, you don’t deserve to be in the united States Senate and no one can believe anything you have to say.”Two days ago you calledd for an FBI investigation. Who a shock, why didn’t you ask for it in July when you got the Ford letter, you didn’t ask for it because you’re a hypocrite, no, like a Chesire Cat you sat on it to inflict the most damage at the most damaging time possible.
If any Republican on the Judiciary Committee with the exception of the rejuvenated Lindsey Graham had anywhere near the amount of fight in them that Judge Jeanine has, Kavanaugh would be on the bench this week when the new SCOTUS term begins.