Tom Cotton Accuses Barack Obama of Sabotage
Cotton is, of course, 100% correct. The Saboteur-In-Chief wasn’t content with the eight years of damage he did as President. The last act from the post-American President was to sabotage his American successor. It was typical of the smallness, meanness, and pettiness of the Obama administration, and the man himself, and exemplified his contempt for America and its people. Now he still remains determined to make sure that Trump cannot and does not make America great again. The American people shouldn’t accept this attempted coup, and those responsible should be prosecuted. But of course the Democrats, still as bent on overturning the results of the 2016 presidential election as they ever were, will do everything they can to keep that from happening.
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“Tom Cotton Accuses Barack Obama Of Sabotage,” by Gary Fenster, KAG Daily, March 30, 2019 (thanks to Christian):
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) has been a staunch supporter of President Trump and conservative causes.When many in the GOP were losing their heads over a relentless media smear campaign to tie Trump to Russia in a nefarious plot, Cotton saw through the media nonsense.Now, with Trump cleared by the Mueller report, Cotton is going on the offensive as he should.The left will not be happy, but Cotton correctly argues that if this was all a smear job it is horrible and we can never let that happen again. And the only way to do that is to hold those responsible to account.Cotton told Hugh Hewitt “so many Obama officials and senior officials in the FBI came to believe that an American presidential campaign was colluding with a foreign intelligence service.”Hugh asked Tom Cotton if his “premise” was that Obama administration officials tried to “sabotage” Trump and saddle him with an albatross across his neck to damage his presidency.“I don’t think based on what we’ve seen over the last three years you can have any other working premise,” Cotton said.And Cotton is not the only one who wants to go after Obama and his team. From The Hill:“Republicans believe that the FBI and [Department of Justice] — the top people — took the law in their own hands because they wanted [Hillary] Clinton to win and Trump to lose,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said during an interview with Fox News’s Neil Cavuto as part of a media blitz discussing his plans for an investigation.He said that he will be looking at “abuse” of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant application process and the counterintelligence operation into Trump’s campaign, adding that “there will be a lot of inquiry as to how this all happened.”GOP senators are already naming former officials who would be at the top of their lists to question, including former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.“The Judiciary Committee has primary jurisdiction and doing oversight of the Department of Justice and the FBI, and so that … is something we need to do. Trying to find out how this thing got off the rails and hopefully prevent it from happening again,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), a member of the Judiciary Committee.Cornyn rattled off a list of Obama-era officials he would want to speak with, including Lynch, former CIA Director John Brennan, and former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, but he homed in on Comey.“I think Director Comey is probably near the top. He’s the one who said that his intention of leaking memos of his conversation was designed to prompt the appointment of a special counsel. It just strikes me as some vindictiveness and animus toward the president motivating a lot of the action,” Cornyn said.Graham, who earlier this month teased that he wants to bring in Comey, added that the former official would be called to publicly testify and “will answer for your time as FBI director.”..
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