Wednesday, July 31, 2019

New Interim Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis McGill Johnson: We’re “Proudly” Pro-Abortion

In her first interview as interim CEO of Planned Parenthood, Alexis McGill Johnson said her organization is “proudly” pro-abortion.
Johnson took over the billion-dollar “nonprofit” earlier this month after its board abruptly kicked out CEO Leana Wen. Apparently, Wen “did not prioritize abortion enough.”Instead, she tried to focus on providing a broad range of health care.
In her interview this week with CBS News, Johnson tried to deflect from Wen’s revelations by insisting that Planned Parenthood is primarily a health care provider. However, she also insisted that abortion (the killing of unborn babies) is health care, and they are proud to provide it.
“I’m the face of an organization that stands up for people who need access to sexual and reproductive health care. And I stand proudly in saying that. And I stand proudly in saying that reproductive health care and sexual freedom should include abortion,” Johnson said. “I think we need to take away the stigma from thinking about abortion as anything other than basic health care.”
The problem is that most Americans do not think of abortions as health care, and Planned Parenthood knows it. It knows its taxpayer funding would be in jeopardy if people realize its true goals. So it uses cleverly-crafted rhetoric to tone down its abortion focus.
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“We are primarily a health care provider … and the idea that we can provide that access depends on our ability to keep our health centers open,” Johnson said. “We’re not political by nature, but we’ve been politicized. And that fight has actually been our focus to ensure that our health centers stay open.”
Later in the interview, Johnson blamed pro-life advocates for forcing Planned Parenthood into politics. She pointed to more than 300 pro-life bills that have been introduced in states in the past year.
She said she is “very concerned” about the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, thus allowing states to begin protecting unborn babies’ lives again.
“All of these things are chipping away at women’s reproductive freedom,” Johnson said. “What’s at stake is our ability and our access to control our own lives through our own reproductive choices.”
Power and money appear to be Planned Parenthood’s real goals, not women’s health or autonomy. Why else does it fight laws ensuring women are fully informed before going through with an abortion or regulations that require abortion facilities to meet basic health and safety standards.
Planned Parenthood is the largest destroyer of unborn babies in America. Its 2018 annual report lists 332,757 abortions, about one third of all abortions in the U.S., and a record $1.66 billion in revenue.
It claims to be a trusted health care provider and insists that abortions are just a small part (about 3 percent) of what it does. For years, it has used the 3 percent statistic to justify the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars it receives annually.
But that claim is falling apart. Liberal news outlets have called the 3 percent statistic misleading, and Planned Parenthood’s own annual reports show a steady decline in health services like cancer screenings and well-woman exams. Now, Wen’s testimony, along with those of dozens of other former employees’, provide strong evidence that Planned Parenthood’s real focus is the business of killing babies.

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