Houston: Extremist Mosque Launches Cub Scout Troop
Caliphate cubs. What could possibly go wrong?

14 ISIS Caliphate Cubs (illustration purposes only)
By Ryan Mauro and Justen Charters, July 30, 2019:
A mosque in Houston with a history of extremism and indoctrinating children just launched a chartered Cub Scout troop.The Islamic Education Center (IEC) of Houston, a Shiite mosque, got their their Al Qasim Cub Scouts program off the ground at their most recent meeting July 24th, 2019 after initially announcing the program in April.The mosque’s Cub Scout troop is not an off-shoot of some sort, either: Pack 1786 is chartered under the Boy Scouts of America.
In March of 2019, Clarion Project reported on a disturbing video (see below) from IEC Houston that featured children singing about being Khamenei’s soldiers.The video, which was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) shows children singing:“We are your followers, we are your soldiers and together we can all be your power.”IEC Houston’s resident aalim (Islamic scholar), Maulana Farhat Abbas, studied in Qom, Iran, an epicenter for indoctrinating aspiring Shiite scholars with extremist beliefs.In 2014, IEC Houston held a conference in support of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Speakers, standing in front of images of Khomeini and Iran’s current Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, praised the brutal ruler.In addition, IEC Houston is affiliated with Sheikh Salman Khoja, who has an undescribed role with the IEC youth. Khoja is listed as a scholar of the Georgia-based Al Walaa Foundation, an organization which Clarion Project reported on in October of 2018.The Al Walaa Foundation is known to feature extremist sheikhs such as Usama Abdulghani, who openly support Hezbollah.Khoja is also affiliated with Great Revelations Academy, a private Shiite school in Dearborn, Michigan, that Clarion Project also exposed as supporting Hezbollah.IEC Houston is clearly a front for pushing an extremist version of Shiite Islam. Now, it has a Cub Scout troop to go along with its history of teaching children and adults to support the radical regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran
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