Rep Omar Retweets Violent Comments About Rand Paul
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Radical Democrat Ilhan Omar retweeted a tweet that praised the violent attack on Senator Rand Paul which took place back in 2017.
According to the Daily Wire, "Paul was attacked at his home by his neighbor in November 2017 and was awarded more than $580,000 in damages and medical expenses this year as a result of the attack."
The attacker served a month in jail and was fined $10,000.
Omar retweeted Tom Arnold's tweet which read: "Imagine being Rand Paul's next door neighbor and having to deal with @RandPaul lying cowardly circular whiney bullcrap about lawn clippings. No wonder he ripped his toupee off."
Republican Andrew Surabian noticed the retweet and pointed it out in a tweet of his own: "Wow, it appears @IlhanMN is celebrating/calling for violence against @RandPaul. I hope every Democrat and Republican in Congress, as well as members of the media have the courage to call this out. Calls for political violence should never be tolerated, regardless of Party."
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President Trump's son, Donald Trump Jr. also noticed the tweet: "Congresswoman Ilhan Omar retweeting calls for political violence against @randpaul. I’m not surprised, and look forward to the forthcoming silence from the media on the issue."
The tweet from Arnold came in response to comments made by Mehdi Hasan, who fabricated statements made by Paul.
"1) Paul claims Omar called America a ‘terrible country’. She never said it. A lie. 2) Paul hails America’s refugee record, ignoring the Muslim ban. 2) Omar has visited Somalia more than Paul has - & knows far more about it. 3) Paul’s dad published a white nationalist news letter." Hasan said.
In reality, Paul was just calling out Omar for her anti-American rhetoric. "I'm in a town where we have a lot of people who are refugees who have come, some from Somalia, some from Bosnia, I've never heard one of them say America is a terrible place or be unappreciative of our country. Most of them are thankful."
"I’ve met people who have come here from behind the Iron Curtain," Paul stated. "They got away from communism, they’re some of the best Americans we have because they really appreciate how great our country is and then I hear Representative Omar say America is a terrible place."
"Well, she came here and we fed her, we clothed her, she got welfare, she got school, she got healthcare, and then, lo and behold, she has the honor of actually winning a seat in Congress, and she says we’re a terrible country?" Paul said. "I think that’s about as ungrateful as you can get."
Paul finished: "And so, while I'm not saying we forcibly send her anywhere, I’m willing to contribute to buy her a ticket to go visit Somalia and I think she can look and maybe learn a little bit about the disaster that is Somalia — that has no capitalism, has no God-given rights guaranteed in a constitution, and has about seven different tribes that have been fighting each other for the last 40 years and then maybe after she’s visited Somalia for a while she might come back and appreciate America more."
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