Wives of Islamic State jihadis STAB GUARDS, STONE AID WORKERS in refugee camp in Syria
And the Democrats are fighting to bring them here. #BacktheBan

- Kurdish Al-Hol refugee camp under threat from relatives of former ISIS fighters
- About 7,000 refugees crammed into site complaining of lack of aid and facilities
- Guards have been stabbed and aid workers stoned many stay loyal to militants
- So-called ‘Muhajirat’ female jihadists are said to be behind the latest stabbings
- Children also throw stones at authorities in camp on the orders of their mothers
By: AFP, July 29, 2019 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):Guards have been stabbed and aid workers stoned by the families of ISIS fighters as the group’s black flag is flown over a Syrian refugee camp.
The wives and children of the so-called ‘caliphate’ are reportedly sticking by the jihadists and waiting for orders from their leader.
Months after the defeat of the jihadist proto-state, families of ISIS fighters are among 70,000 people crammed into the Kurdish-run Al-Hol camp in northeastern Syria.Swarming around journalists, women clad-in-black complain of poor medical assistance, a lack of aid, and boiling tents.They also praise the elusive IS supremo Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, saying they are waiting for orders from their leader.Umm Suhaib, the widowed wife of a jihadist, admits that ISIS supporters have attacked Kurdish security forces guarding the camp.
An internal security patrol member escorts women, reportedly wives of ISIS group fighters. Kurdish authorities say relatives of jihadists promote ISIS ideology and pose a ‘danger’‘Two or three times, the Asayesh were stabbed,’ said the 23-year-old Iraqi mother of three.The so-called ‘Muhajirat,’ female jihadists who travelled to Syria to join IS, are behind the stabbings, she said.‘Why do they stab them? Because they allow injustice to prevail,’ said Umm Suhaib, covered in black from head-to-toe.She also accused the Asayesh of conducting ‘night raids’ on the tents of ‘sisters,’ referring to female IS supporters.Umm Suhaib said her husband, a Tunisian, died months ago fighting the US-backed Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces in the eastern village of Baghouz, the IS group’s very last bastion in eastern Syria.
In March, the SDF announced the defeat of the ‘caliphate’ — which IS declared in 2014 over parts of Syria and Iraq in 2014 — after it expelled the last jihadist fighters from the village.Tens of thousands of people, mostly women and children, were trucked to Kurdish-run camps in northeast Syria during the weeks-long campaign.
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