Pregnant Woman’s Ex-Boyfriend Murders Her After She Refused His Demand to Have Abortion
Friends of a Mississippi student who allegedly was murdered by her ex-boyfriend said she recently told him that she was pregnant and refused to have an abortion.
KMOV 4 reports University of Mississippi student Alexandria “Ally” Kostial was discovered dead on July 20 near Sardis Lake in northern Mississippi. Police said she died of multiple gunshot wounds.
Two days later, her ex-boyfriend, Brandon A. Theesfeld, 22, who also attended the University of Mississippi, was arrested and charged with murder, according to the report. He reportedly had blood on his clothes and a weapon in his vehicle when police arrested him.
This week, two friends told the Daily Mail that they suspect Kostial’s pregnancy and her refusal to have an abortion may have been the motive.
“Her sorority sisters knew she was pregnant and that she had told Brandon. He was really upset about it, that it would ruin his life and his future,” a friend and fellow college student of Kostial’s told the Mail. “He was really mad that she wouldn’t get an abortion. She was like, ”No, I don’t believe in that.’”
The friends said they think Kostial told Theesfeld about her pregnancy the same day she went missing.
Here’s more from the report:
A second friend told DailyMailTV: ‘She was really upset because she was pregnant and she had been trying to [get rid of her child] through unhealthy ways, like going out, drinking a lot and doing drugs. She was 17 weeks pregnant. She was not handling it well.Click Like if you are pro-life to like the LifeNews Facebook page!‘Brandon found out but he was dating someone else. He wanted her to get an abortion. I think morally she didn’t want to do it.’The friend continued: ‘He would be awful and then she’d break up with him, or he’d break up with her in rage, and then he’d go back to her saying, ”I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” And she’d take him back.’
One friend said their relationship was “toxic.”
Business Insider reports a male student who lived near Theesfeld described him as “a misogynist” with a “violent streak.”
Local authorities told the Mail that they have not completed the autopsy yet, so they could not confirm if Kostial was pregnant.
Fox News reports Kostial last was seen around midnight on July 20 at her home near campus. The next morning, police said an officer found her body at a lake about 30 miles away.
LifeNews has reported countless crime stories involving pregnant women who allegedly were threatened, assaulted or killed after they refused to abort their unborn babies.
The March of Dimes reports one in six abused women reports the first abuse occurred while she was pregnant.
Several studies also have linked domestic violence to abortion. In these cases, some women were forced or pressured by partners into having abortions, while others believed having an abortion would help them escape abuse. A 2011 study in The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist found that almost 40 percent of the women seeking abortions had a history of physical abuse and relationship issues.
As LifeNews previously reported, another study found that as many as 64 percent of post-abortive women say they felt pressured to have an abortion.