Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
New UK PM BoJo flings open doors to mass migration and considers “Islamophobia” inquiry
Britain’s new Prime Minister is no stranger to controversy when it comes to Islam. He stated that “Islam had historically put the Muslim world ‘literally centuries behind,'” called Islam the most “powerful ‘retrograde force’ in the world,” compared burqa-wearing women to “letterboxes and bank robbers,” and was threatened by his own party to be sent to “diversity training” over his comments, for which he refused to apologize, amid insistent charges of “Islamophobia.” Johnson’s resistance to the Islamization of Britain has infuriated Islamic supremacists. And when Johnson became “‘the bookmakers’ favorite choice” to replace Theresa May in leading the UK, he was compared to Adolf Hitler by a Muslim leader in the Conservative Party. Mohammed Amin blasted the Tory leadership frontrunner for not having the “basic morality and integrity” to be Prime Minister. And the Conservative Muslim Forum chairman also vowed to quit the party after 36 years if Johnson became Prime Minister.
Now that Johnson has indeed become the Britain’s Prime Minister, Amin may not quit after all, because BoJo has made a U-turn. In a stunning report, Johnson “has ditched a decade-long commitment to bring immigration down to manageable levels and is talking up an amnesty for illegal migrants.” His plan is described in Breitbart as akin to “Angela Merkel throwing the doors of Europe open in that mad summer of 2015, naturally without consulting with the people of Europe if they wanted a few million new neighbours, in its arrogance and misjudgement.” BoJo’s erratic turn has now prompted Migration Watch to launch a petition against Johnson’s Illegal migrant amnesty proposal.
BoJo’s shift has lead Brexit Party MEP Alexandra Philips to warn about him, stating that “we can’t believe Boris on his pledges to deliver Brexit” because of his flip-flopping. And yet another disturbing flip-flop may be on its way, as BoJo flip faces calls to commit to an independent inquiry on “Islamophobia” in the Conservative party. According to a report in the Guardian:
Johnson appeared to sign up to an inquiry during the BBC debate of the leadership campaign, when Sajid Javid, now his chancellor, got his rivals to agree that an external investigation into Islamophobia was a good idea….Asked on Sky News when Johnson would be launching an inquiry, Rishi Sunak, the new financial secretary to the Treasury, said the prime minister was “committed very firmly to rooting it out in the party wherever it is”.
If the Prime Minister is indeed “firmly committed” to rooting out “Islamophobia” in his party, it signifies that he has accepted the nefarious term. The definition of “Islamophobia” from the all-party parliamentary group on British Muslims states that: “Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.” Whatever “Muslimness” means.” Nevertheless, the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats have adopted the bizarre and open-ended definition, while the Conservatives have been pressured to do the same.
The National Police Chief’s Council, however, has proven to be not so gullible. The Council issued a statement of concern when the definition emerged from the all-party parliamentary group:
“We are concerned that the definition is too broad as currently drafted, could cause confusion for officers enforcing it and could be used to challenge legitimate free speech on the historical or theological actions of Islamic states. There is also a risk it could also undermine counter-terrorism powers, which seek to tackle extremism or prevent terrorism.”
Too many Western leaders are weakening in their resolve to fight jihad terror, under the pressure of Islamic supremacist special interest groups that demand that they embrace the word “Islamophobia,” which is intended to erode the freedom of speech, and along with it, free society as a whole.
Former Imam and member of the International Institute of Islamic Thought, Abdur-Rahman Muhammad, warned about “Islamophobia”:
This loathsome term is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.
“Islamophobia” is heavily pushed by Muslim Brotherhood operatives and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
Islamic supremacists make no apologies for their supremacist entitlements, but they demand apologies from infidels when they feel offended, and readily brand them “Islamophobic.”
In the midst of all this unflattering news about BoJo, Metro News has reported that in Kalfat village in Central Turkey — located in Calkiri province — “where BoJo traces his ancestry to is bussing with excitement and pride after a man they see as one of their own became the new Prime Minister of the UK….’We were honoured that someone who has Ottoman genes, who comes from these lands, has become the Prime Minister of a prodigious country,’ said Adem Karaagac, the former administrator of the village of 1,300.”
Boris Johnson has duped the UK population. Upon becoming the Prime Minister, he has begun following in the same footsteps of the globalists (or worse) who are weakening European democracies.
“Lane: Boris Johnson Can’t Win the Love of the BBC By Giving Out a Million British Passports,” by Oliver JJ Lane, Breitbart, July 26, 2019:
Britain’s new Prime Minister has ditched a decade-long commitment to bring immigration down to manageable levels and is talking up an amnesty for illegal migrants, major policy changes that will likely be near-ignored in preference to the important topic of Brexit.And while Brexit is without doubt the most important political issue of our generation, the long-overlooked task of finally fixing the United Kingdom’s broken immigration system remains a high priority for voters.Yet Boris’s plan is akin to Angela Merkel throwing the doors of Europe open in that mad summer of 2015, naturally without consulting with the people of Europe if they wanted a few million new neighbours, in its arrogance and misjudgement. The Prime Minister signalling to people-smugglers and illegal migrants that their crimes will be overlooked if they can remain undetected long enough is nothing short of an open invitation for more illegals to come and try their luck.How many people could such an amnesty mean giving papers to? Newspapers like The Sun bandied figures like 500,000 around in the wake of Johnson’s comments, but this seems optimistically low for the amount of new British citizens or regularised residents the Prime Minister might wave into existence with the stroke of a pen. As Breitbart London’s flashback on Johnson’s past form on calling for illegal amnestiespoints out, Boris was putting the figure at 400,000 ten years ago for greater London alone when calling for amnesty as Mayor.A decade of porous borders to London and the rest of the nation suggests the true figure is much higher, and the experts agree. Former Home Office immigration enforcement boss David Wood put the figure at 1.2 million in 2017, and claimed the true levels of migration to the United Kingdom were kept secret to save the government embarrassment. New arrivals of illegals is estimated to run at 150,000 a year, every year.And then there’s chain migration, a factor well known in the United States but less understood in the United Kingdom and Europe.As Breitbart London’s James Delingpole has already noted, perhaps the greatest threat to Boris Johnson’s leadership is his deep-seated desire to be liked. But if Boris thinks he can buy the love of the BBC and the Twittersphere by giving out a million British passports, he’ll be sorely disappointed.Mr Johnson, you’ve already been — quite wrongly, for obvious reasons — labelled Britain’s Trump by the mainstream media. It doesn’t matter how liberal your views on borders are, or how many citizenships you give out, you’re always going to be the bad guy to the news anchors and Westminster bubble. Chasing that popularity means doing the work of the left for them, without them ever needing to win another election….