August 30, 2019

Everyone opposes anti-Semitism. Or almost everyone. As long as it's on the other side.
And so MSNBC's Chris Hayes jumps into action with "Chris Hayes examines the ubiquity of anti-semitism in America."
By that, of course, he doesn't mean the anti-Semitism of Rep. Ilhan Omar, which his show covered for not long ago.
I tell my sister Rashida Tlaib that her and I have the strength to endure any of the mischaracterization or efforts to distort and vilify and mischaracterize our message,” Omar said Tuesday in an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.
This anti-Semitism thing is so ubiquitous you can find it on Chris Hayes' own show.
An MSNBC panel on Wednesday night defended Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, who is under fire again for comments critics say are anti-Semitic.“Let’s have the a discussion about the xenophobia and the racism that’s coming from the other side of the aisle and let’s stop using the discussion of anti-Semitism as a way of avoiding a real discussion about policy towards Israel and Palestine and the issues that are actually on the table about occupation and the treatment of Palestinians,” Ben-Ami told MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Wednesday night. “There’s an attempt to silence the debate by focusing the discussion on the question of anti-Semitism rather than the underlying issue that really needs to be discussed, which is our American policy towards the region.”
Let's stop talking about anti-Semitism and start talking about how evil the Jewish State is.
And here's Chris Hayes on Hamas.
In a completely biased report slamming Israel for allegedly “pick[ing] off” unarmed demonstrators, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes discards any semblance of journalistic professionalism and embraces Hamas propaganda. The MSNBC hosts insists that the figure that he provides for the number of Palestinians wounded by Israeli live fire during the Gaza border “March of Return” (March 30) are sound despite the fact that it is unconfirmed data supplied by a terror group which has a long history of manipulatingcasualty statistics to suit its propaganda purposes.
Hamas claims that there's a freemason-Jewish conspiracy that it's on a mission to destroy by killing all the Jews.
Maybe Hayes can talk about the ubiquity of anti-Semitism on his show.
Hayes wants to talk about the ubiquity of anti-Semitism in Rockland County, not in his own ugly movement.