Jihad-Rep Immigration Ilhan Omar Demands UN Take Control of US Borders in Mirror of European Migrant Crisis (Never trust the UN)
The United Nations is driven largely by the world’s largest Islamic supremacist world body, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, which votes as one. Transferring American sovereignty over our borders to what is, in practice, a “would-be, universal caliphate” would be signing our own death warrant, striking a fatal blow to Western civilization.
The OIC is one of the largest intergovernmental organizations in the world. It encompasses 56 Muslim states plus the Palestinian Authority. Spread over four continents, it claims to speak in the name of the ummah (the universal Muslim community), which numbers about 1.3 billion. The OIC’s mission is to unite all Muslims worldwide by rooting them in the Koran and the Sunnah — the core of traditional Islamic civilization and values. It aims at strengthening solidarity and cooperation among all its members, in order to protect the interests of Muslims everywhere and to galvanize the ummah into a unified body. The OIC is a unique organization — one that has no equivalent in the world. It unites the religious, economic, military, and political strength of 56 states.
To paraphrase Islamic scholar Bat Ye’or, the OIC is a “would-be, universal caliphate.” It might look different from the caliphates of the Ottomans, Fatimids, and Abbasids. It might resemble, instead, a thoroughly modern trans-national bureaucracy. But, already, the OIC exercises significant power through the United Nations, and through the European Union, which has been eager to accommodate the OIC while simultaneously endowing the U.N. with increasing authority for global governance. Among the other organizations that Bat Ye’or says are doing the OIC’s bidding are the U.N. Alliance of Civilizations, the U.N. Commission on Human Rights, and the European Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation (PAEAC).
Sadly, the UN has failed in its mission of supporting freedom and democracy across the world. We should be withdrawing from it.
“We have to bring in the United Nations high commissioner on refugees.”Rep. Ilhan Omar is demanding that the United Nations take control of the U.S. border with Mexico in a mirror of how Europe was inundated with migrants following lobbying from international bodies.
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