LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Friday, August 30, 2019
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• Woman Defends Killing Six Babies in Abortions. “I Didn’t Want [Them] Inside Me”
• Late-Term Abortionist Advertises Cuddling With Aborted Baby Before Tossing Infant in the Trash
• Former Planned Parenthood Instructor: We Pushed Sex Ed on Kids to Create a Market for Abortion
• Democrat Party Passes Resolution Celebrating Pro-Abortion, Non-Christian Voters
More Pro-Life News
• Facebook Tags Pro-Life Group as “False News” for Saying Abortion is Never Medically Necessary
• Missouri AG Appeals Decision Blocking Ban on Abortions of Babies With Beating Hearts
• Man Arrested for Forcing His Daughter to Have an Abortion After He Raped Her
• Doctor Tricks Pro-Life Nurse Into Assisting Abortion, Tells Her “Don’t Hate Me”
• Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Woman Defends Killing Six Babies in Abortions. “I Didn’t Want [Them] Inside Me”
Judy’s story is a tragic example of how the abortion industry manipulates society into thinking there is nothing wrong with aborting an unborn baby.
Late-Term Abortionist Advertises Cuddling With Aborted Baby Before Tossing Infant in the Trash
Aging late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart does not shy away from the fact that he is killing babies.
Former Planned Parenthood Instructor: We Pushed Sex Ed on Kids to Create a Market for Abortion
Former sex educator Monica Cline said Planned Parenthood pushes sex education that “grooms” children for promiscuity and leads to abortion.

Facebook Tags Pro-Life Group as “False News” for Saying Abortion is Never Medically Necessary
The social media giant Facebook is once again censoring pro-life organizations as they attempt to share the pro-life perspective with the billions of people worldwide who use its platform.

Man Arrested for Forcing His Daughter to Have an Abortion After He Raped Her
A sickening new report out of India alleges that a father raped his young daughter and then forced her to abort her late-term unborn baby after she became pregnant from the abuse.

Doctor Tricks Pro-Life Nurse Into Assisting Abortion, Tells Her “Don’t Hate Me”
According to the records, in Fiscal Year 2018 the U.S. Health and Human Services Civil Rights Office received over a thousand complaints, alleging conscience violations or religious discrimination.
Doctor Secretly Put Drugs in Mentally Ill Woman’s Coffee and Euthanized Her, But Won’t be Punished
How Do You Help Someone Reconsider a Decision to Have an Abortion?
Abortion Has Killed an Entire Generation. America Can’t Survive if We’re Aborting Our Future
Liberal Media Falsely Claims Women Won’t Have Health Care After Trump Cuts Planned Parenthood Funding
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Canada Sends Taxpayer Dollars to Pro-Abortion Groups, Refuses to Fund Pro-Life Organizations
Ireland Tells Doctors: If You Can’t Abort Babies You Must Help Women Find Someone Who Will
Woman Dies After Botched Legal Abortion, Clinic Failed to Detect Ectopic Pregnancy
Kamala Harris Raided David Daleiden’s Home, Stole Video Footage After He Exposed Planned Parenthood