Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Germany: Muslims complain about pig breeding, city bans it for fear of offending them
The principle is always and everywhere the same: in Muslim countries, one should conform one’s behavior to Islamic sensibilities. And in non-Muslim countries, one should conform one’s behavior to Islamic sensibilities.
“Germany: Muslims ban pig breeding,” translated from “Allemagne : les musulmans font interdire un élevage de porcs,” by Anne Schubert, Riposte Laïque, August 28, 2019 (thanks to David):
A vast green meadow – this is where pig farmer Elmar D. wanted to live his animals. But he did not count on the administration of the city of Mülheim-an-der-Ruhr. There, we fear the wrath of the Muslims. We bend, we submit, we flex. Above all, do not offend them, do not refuse them anything.The breeding of free range pigs is not only a prerogative of these intelligent animals, but also the concept of regional meat production is perfectly in keeping with the spirit of the times. No endless transport or life without daylight. Everything would be wonderful in the best of all worlds, but a Muslim cemetery is more than 300 meters away, and there hoofed creatures are considered “impure.”Osman Safakli, president of the mosque of Fatih Mülheim, did not wait a moment to protest the actions of the inhabitants: “Is there no other place here to raise pigs? It does not really bother us, but it especially bothers visitors.” Of course, naturally, as expected, he received immediate support from the city, which prohibited the breeding of these pigs in general because of the unilateral sensibility of Muslims. The pig farmer and his animals were out of luck.For the brave breeder it was incomprehensible, after all, the meadow is not in the immediate vicinity of the cemetery, creating a nuisance is impossible. Yet he hastens to obey. His pigs are sentenced to confinement. The permanent complaints of the Muslims have long exceeded the 350 meters that separate the cemetery and the pasture. We never get tired of being offended, whether it’s about women, dogs, or pigs. Tolerance for others? That we do not know….
Photo by Ruesterstaude – Own work, CC BY-SA 2.0 de, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16087596