Saturday, August 31, 2019

Facebook Tags Pro-Life Group as “False News” for Saying Abortion is Never Medically Necessary

The social media giant Facebook is once again censoring pro-life organizations as they attempt to share the pro-life perspective with the billions of people worldwide who use its platform.
In this latest action, Facebook has falsely tagged as “false news” a post from the pro-life group LiveAction saying that abortion is not medically necessary.
Facebook’s factchecking mechanism, which deemed Live Action content “inaccurate,” relies on two abortionists who obviously disagree with LiveAction’s position that the direct killing of a child is never medically necessary — the group informed today.
“With thousands of OB-GYN’s and medical professionals on the record agreeing with usthat the direct killing of a child is never medically necessary, it is telling that Facebook decided to fact-check our information, which we have posted about for over three years, using two abortionists for their sourcing,” Rose said.
She told LifeNews: “Not only did they fail to get disinterested perspectives, they appear to have gone out of their way to find pro-abortion activists whose public opposition to our views is indisputable. This is clear evidence of bias and discrimination against our over three million strong Facebook community members and an outrageous act of censorship on the part of Facebook.”
Rose said that her group and other pro-life organizations rely upon being able to freely communicate ideas through social media. Actions taken by Facebook to suppress Live Action’s content result in, a “false rating” communicated to all followers as well as “reduced distribution and other restrictions.”
“Continued efforts to censor Live Action will have tremendous implications, not only for the pro-life movement, but for free speech in America,” Rose said.

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