Saturday, August 31, 2019

Late-Term Abortionist Advertises Cuddling With Aborted Baby Before Tossing Infant in the Trash

Aging late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart does not shy away from the fact that he is killing babies.
But he tries to legitimize his life-destroying career with words like “care” and “compassion.” He even offers to allow women to cuddle with their dead baby and take their footprints before he disposes of their body.
A brochure on Carhart’s website provides details about his late-term abortion practice in Bethesda, Maryland. He touts himself as a specialist in “second and third trimester abortion care,” and advertises abortions after 28 weeks – long past the point when an unborn baby is viable.
“Abortion is the primary health care service that we provide. Dr. Carhart’s 45 plus years of dedicated experience and medical knowledge ensure that the care our patients receive is high quality, safe, and tailored to their specific health needs,” the brochure states.
A little research, however, indicates that Carhart’s practice is not safe for mothers or their unborn babies. At least two women died along with their unborn babies after abortions at his facilities.
The brochure explains that late-term abortions take three to four days, and involve a “medication,” or poison, being injected into the womb to stop the unborn baby’s heart. On the final day, Carhart induces labor so that the woman gives birth to a “typically intact stillborn” baby.
Afterward, Carhart offers women the chance to bond with their dead baby, as if the baby died naturally instead of being intentionally killed. Some of the “services” that he offers include:
  • Viewing your baby after the delivery
  • Holding your baby after the delivery
  • Photographs of your baby
  • Cremation services referral
  • Funeral arrangements referral
  • Footprints
  • Spiritual and ceremonial accommodations
  • Remembrance certificate
“Every family approaches this experience with their own unique emotional, spiritual, and cultural background,” the brochure states. “There is no right or wrong way, just ‘your way.’ Once the process of healing has begun, you may want to consider a token of the precious time with you and your baby had together.”
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Carhart recently shocked a BBC reporter when he admitted that he kills babies.
The aging abortionist, who is in his late 70s, told journalist Hilary Andersson that he “loves his job” and is proud to perform late-term abortions. Unlike many abortion activists, Carhart uses the word “baby,” too.
Andersson noted: “It’s interesting that you use the word ‘baby’ because a lot of abortionists won’t use that. They’ll use the word ‘fetus’ because they don’t want to acknowledge that there’s a life.”
“I think that it is a baby,” Carhart replied, “and … I use it with the patients.”
“And you don’t have a problem killing a baby?” she asked.
“Absolutely not. I have no problem if it’s in the mother’s uterus,” he answered.
There is no difference between a born baby and an unborn baby that makes one valuable and the other not. Carhart seems to know this. Decades ago, he fought against the federal partial-birth abortion ban, because there is no moral difference between killing an almost fully born baby and a baby still in the womb.
What is so disturbing about Carhart is that he seems to know this, and he kills babies anyway. Some abortion activists remain in denial, claiming that an unborn baby is just a meaningless blob of tissue. But he fully admits that he is killing babies for a living, and his attempts to normalize killing babies is truly disturbing.

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