Tuesday, December 31, 2019

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December 31, 2019 / 3 Tevet 5780

NY Antisemitism
Watch: Black Predators Assault Young Chassidic Man in Rush Hour

David Israel
The victim does not want to file a complaint because of the new Discovery for Justice Reform Act, which may end up forcing police to surrender his personal information to his attackers.

Machete Attacker Suspect Searched Online for Hitler, Zionist Temples & Jewish Neighborhoods

Hana Levi Julian
"Mental illness is not an excuse for espousing anti-Semitic ideology. One does not preclude the other."

Mental Illness Does Not Excuse Anti-Semitic Violence’

Jewish Press News Desk
"People are not sleeping, and they are having flashbacks to previous incidents of being attacked for “just being Jewish.”

Following Antisemitic Attack,Monsey’s Jewish Community will Not be ‘Cowed’ to Change

Faygie Levy Holt
“Monsey used to be a nice, calm, quiet place, and now, not so much.”

President Trump Thanks Democrat Dov Hikind for ‘Wonderful Statements’

Hana Levi Julian
"Thank you Mr. President for all you’ve done and continue to do to protect the Jewish people all the while making America stronger and more prosperous!"

Experts Suggest 6 Firearms That Will Fit in your Tallit Bag

Tony Katz
Jews must be armed. Today, and everyday. In synagogues, and everywhere else.

More Antisemitism

Jewish Cemetery Vandalized in Western Germany

David Israel
At least 85 Geilenkirchen Jews were murdered in the Holocaust.

Headlines & Recommended
Smotrich: Religious Zionists Must Run Open Primaries Now If We Want to Stay Alive

David Israel
"A party that wants to remain alive can't be impervious to the public's sentiments," Smotrich stated, hinting at the near-autistic Rafi Peretz pact with Otzma Yehudit.

Internal Hamas Document Implicates Group in Elimination of Senior Islamic Jihad Commander

Baruch Yedid / TPS
An internal Hamas document reveals its alleged involvement in the IDF’s assassination of senior Islamic Jihad commander Baha Abu al-Atta in the Gaza Strip in November and exposes the ongoing power struggle between the various Gaza factions.

Rightwing Pirates Protest High Court’s Judicial Piracy

David Israel
"Something rotten has taken hold of Israel's judicial system in recent years."

Major Class Action Suit Against Arab Bank for Funding Terrorism

David Israel
The Arab Bank has assisted in financing the payments to families of terrorists and terrorists who are behind bars in Israel.

Teens Build their Israel ConnectionWith Naale

Eliana Robbins
The first time Chaya Ticker, originally from Brooklyn, NY, set foot in Israel, she had the feeling that she'd come home...

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The Yishai Fleisher Show
Hanukkah Socks in Space
(((CLICK BELOW TO HEAR AUDIO))) Hanukkah is the ultimate Israeli independence holiday. But does Hasmonean-style independence mean xenophobia? Rabbi Yishai ponders the challenge of assimilation in light of Joseph’s dreams. Then, Malkah Fleisher on the Festival of Lights from the deep Negev and on Astronaut Jessica Meir’s Hanukkah socks from space. Yishai Fleisher on Twitter: […]

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Bar Ilan Physicists Forecast AnotherDevastating El NiƱo in 2020
The team is currently expanding the algorithm in order to be able to forecast the strength and length of the weather phenomenon in the future.

Leviathan Gas Rig Begins Pumping Gas to Israel
In total, some 35 trillion cubic feet of gas have been found in Israeli waters, worth some $500 billion.

‘We Cannot Allow This to Become the New Normal
“We light up the world with acts of goodness and kindness. That’s the essence of Chanukah, and that is the antidote to hatred and bigotry.”

Chanukah Lights Beam From Chabad Menorah at Dead Sea Mall
Dead Sea Regional Council leader Nir Wenger lit the menorah together with Chabad-Lubavitch emissary, Rabbi Shimon Elharar.

Crop-Disease Detection in Drones wins Orthodox Men’s ‘Great Minds Hackathon
More than 100 Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox students from Israel and dozens of other countries took part in the fourth annual Jerusalem College of Technology hackathon, working for 48 hours on innovative projects and designs.

Tesla Expected to Hit Israeli Roads, Launching in 2020
The car’s starting price is expected to be around $72,300 (about NIS 250,000).

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Fighting Antisemitism: Three Strategic Priorities

Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld
If antisemitism is to be fought effectively, three priorities have to be set. First, the Israeli government should establish an anti-propaganda agency. Second, an effort must be made to achieve a broad recognition that antisemitism is an ancient and integral element of Western culture. Third, there should be a consistent exposure of Jewish masochists who claim that Israel alone has to be perfect while others do not.


Itamar Marcus
Fatah leader: Jesus was "first Palestinian," and "first Islamic Martyr"
The Gospel according to the Palestinian Authority

The Tikkun Olam Brigade and the Taped Banana

Paul Gherkin
The fancy Art Basel art fair in Miami sold a remarkable item for $120,000 in December 2019: an actual ripe banana duct taped to a wall.

Israel’s Brain Power (Hightech) Features a Grand Decade

Yoram Ettinger
The past decade featured 587 exits, totaling $71BN. If follow-on deals are included, the total surges to $108BN.

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Important and Timely MUST READ Report, ‘The New Anti-Semites
The Lid with Jeff Dunetz
Jeff Dunetz
One of the problems with fighting Antisemitism is that until the President’s executive order, the government had no standard definition of what constitutes Antisemitism. According to “The New Anti-Semites,” report BDS groups exploited this lack of definition to declare their campaign as not being antisemitic.

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Can Antisemitism Be Solved? – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]
The Tamar Yonah Show
Israel News Talk Radio
Antisemitism is skyrocketing in the USA and all over the world. Can it be solved, or even quelled? Tamar Yonah speaks with Ron Machol fromwww.ZachorLegal.org and talks about the efforts being made on 'the books' to try to quell this burst of hatred and violence erupting against peaceful and law-abiding Jews all over the world today.

How To Find The Light In Darkness – Soul Talk [audio]
Soul Talk
Israel News Talk Radio
Light and darkness goes beyond a metaphor for good and evil. Inherent in creation, darkness serves a purpose. Understanding the purpose of darkness enables us to gain deeper meaning to the dark times in our lives. How can we enlighten the darkness in the world and in our lives? How can we adjust our perception to use darkness in a purposeful way so that it's elevated and I am elevated through it?

The Timeliness of Chanuka – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]
The Jay Shapiro Show
Israel News Talk Radio
Chanuka is a reminder of the eternal struggle for Jewish identity

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