The Yishai Fleisher Show
Hanukkah Socks in Space(((CLICK BELOW TO HEAR AUDIO))) Hanukkah is the ultimate Israeli independence holiday. But does Hasmonean-style independence mean xenophobia? Rabbi Yishai ponders the challenge of assimilation in light of Joseph’s dreams. Then, Malkah Fleisher on the Festival of Lights from the deep Negev and on Astronaut Jessica Meir’s Hanukkah socks from space. Yishai Fleisher on Twitter: […]
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Fighting Antisemitism: Three Strategic Priorities Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld If antisemitism is to be fought effectively, three priorities have to be set. First, the Israeli government should establish an anti-propaganda agency. Second, an effort must be made to achieve a broad recognition that antisemitism is an ancient and integral element of Western culture. Third, there should be a consistent exposure of Jewish masochists who claim that Israel alone has to be perfect while others do not.
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Important and Timely MUST READ Report, ‘The New Anti-Semites’The Lid with Jeff Dunetz Jeff Dunetz One of the problems with fighting Antisemitism is that until the President’s executive order, the government had no standard definition of what constitutes Antisemitism. According to “The New Anti-Semites,” report BDS groups exploited this lack of definition to declare their campaign as not being antisemitic.
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