Giuliani laments ‘unlawful coup’: ‘How can we let these phony & corrupt career politicians destroy our nation?’
Rudy Giuliani fired up his Twitter account to brutally mow through the “unlawful coup” attempt by “phony & corrupt career politicians,” warning that their “desire for power & wealth” is endangering our nation.
In a series of tweets, the former mayor of New York City who became known as “America’s mayor” laid waste to the wide-ranging corruption of the Democrat Party, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Rep. Adam Schiff.
On Thursday, Giuliani blistered Pelosi for the wasteful political ploy being foisted upon not only President Trump but on the nation itself, even while she left it all in limbo while Congress takes a two-week holiday vacation. He tweeted:
Removing a President less than a year before an election must only occur if his remaining in office irreparably damages the nation.
Well the Pelosi 2 week vacation proves, this is an unlawful coup for partisan political purposes. The taxpayer should not have to pay.
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Giuliani, who is now one of the president’s lawyers, asked America, “How can we let these phony & corrupt career politicians destroy our nation built on laws, NOT a craven desire for power & wealth,” as he denounced in a Friday tweet the corruption that is so prevalent and obvious among Democrat politicians and their families.
If Pelosi believes @realDonaldTrump must be removed why delay? How can we let these phony & corrupt career politicians destroy our nation built on laws, NOT a craven desire for power & wealth.
Look at their families & see the millions they have made selling their public offices!
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He followed that up with two more posts on Friday, first pointing out that the reason Pelosi has “halted the #ImpeachmentSham” because “a trial in the Senate would not only reveal how unlawfully the Democrats have conducted this Impeachment inquiry, it would also expose the corruption that stretches far and wide in the Democrat party!”
A trial in the senate would not only reveal how unlawfully the Democrats have conducted this Impeachment inquiry, it would also expose the corruption that stretches far and wide in the Democrat party!
This is why Pelosi has halted the #ImpeachmentSham.
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Then, Giuliani declared that “Democrats should pay back taxpayers all money wasted on this. Let’s see what we can do to recover it for you.”
The American people, since the days of Thomas Paine, have had Common Sense. They see through this Pelosi-Schiff-Democrat delay.
Democrats should payback taxpayers all money wasted on this. Let’s see what we can do to recover it for you.
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Early Sunday morning, Giuliani resumed his bombardment of the Dems with a devastating carpet bomb, scorching them with the facts about how effective the Trump administration has been at making America great again, in spite of the hateful, do-no-good leftists.
Hope Pelosi, Schiff are enjoying their two week vacation from the coup. Americans are.Economy is best everEmployment highestPoor and middle class wages upWorld a lot more peaceful@realDonaldTrump did nothing wrongMaybe a permanent vacation for the HATERS.— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) December 29, 2019
Conservatives are more than ready for some real justice and are hoping Giuliani’s sentiments are more than just that.
Go get em Rudy, time to shut em down and hold accountable. Rudy, Rudy!
See Dale Jermyn's other Tweets
@RudyGiuliani we all hear you loud and clear. 63,000,000 American Patriots can hear you and would say to you: you are preaching to the choir. The real question is: what, exactly, can we do about it? Thank you, Rudy, for all you've done in your career. It is not lost on us.
See Cee22Lee-Adamento American Patriot's other Tweets
Yes, weird how Piglosi's son is involved in Ukraine,her brother gets lucrative Govt contracts,her district is in shambles after funneling millions of tax payer dollars there. How did Nancy became multimillionaire on congressional salary. @FBISanFrancisco @DefenseIntel @DOJ_CRS
See Mac's other Tweets
Funny how libtards want republicans to prove innocence, if they understood constitution that’s not how it works, but hey, where’s the blower? Why didn’t he testify or Hunter Biden. Selective outrage and testimony. Like pot calling kettle black.
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