Dem Rep. Kennedy: If We Question Hunter Biden What About Trump’s Children ?
On Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s “State of the Union,” Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-MA) said if Hunter Biden is questioned for being on the board of a Ukrainian Gas Company because of his father’s position, the children of President Donald Trump should also be questioned for their business ventures.
Tapper asked, “It is true that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by Vice President Biden or that Hunter Biden broke any laws at all, but frankly it does stink that Hunter Biden got this contract with no expertise in the energy sector and likely already said he probably got that money, which was significant, because of his connection with his father, the vice president at the time also in charge of Ukraine at the time. Do you think that future presidents and vice presidents should say my relatives cannot cash in in any way on their connection to me?”
Kennedy said, “Look, I think it is certainly worth putting that out there and worth trying to make sure there is not any sort of profit earned by close relatives being in office. And I have had plenty of family members in office. I understand the responsibility that comes with holding a position of public responsibility and ensuring there is a very clear delineation, so they aren’t profiting off it. But I think again if we’re going to get into this conversation, it is awfully hard for me to reconcile and to square those comments and that clarity put forth by Vice President Biden, by Hunter Biden, with the fact you have the current president’s children running around on an international hotel chain that is being supported by U.S. military service members staying at their hotels across the world, that is where they tried to host the G-7 at a struggling hotel in Florida, and his daughter runs clothing lines and jewelry lines just got patents from China in the midst of a trade war. Some of those might be legitimate, and some might not be. But let’s be clear and make sure everybody is held to the same standard. And once again, I don’t think that is the case here.”
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