Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Dem Rep. Kennedy: If We Question Hunter Biden What About Trump’s Children ?

On Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s “State of the Union,” Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-MA) said if Hunter Biden is questioned for being on the board of a Ukrainian Gas Company because of his father’s position, the children of President Donald Trump should also be questioned for their business ventures.
Tapper asked, “It is true that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by Vice President Biden or that Hunter Biden broke any laws at all, but frankly it does stink that Hunter Biden got this contract with no expertise in the energy sector and likely already said he probably got that money, which was significant, because of his connection with his father, the vice president at the time also in charge of Ukraine at the time. Do you think that future presidents and vice presidents should say my relatives cannot cash in in any way on their connection to me?”
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