Hi carl,
2019 is almost history:
*Clock based on Pacific Time, Live Action will accept gifts until midnight at your local time
The deadline for you to make your tax-deductible charitable contribution to Live Action is MIDNIGHT tonight!
carl, I know you want to build a world where abortion is unthinkable and every preborn child is loved and protected. With 2020 right around the corner, your action is critical.
Will you let me know if you are with us by midnight?
I don’t say this lightly, but we desperately need the support of every pro-life American in the New Year.
Well, carl, do you remember this disgusting display earlier this year when the governor of New York ordered the World Trade Center to be lit with pink lights to “celebrate” abortion?
carl, if you and I don’t do everything in our power to make abortion unthinkable in 2020, New York could become the reality for the rest of the country.
This is the radical agenda abortion advocates are pursuing:
- For every single state to allow the killing of preborn children through all nine months of pregnancy,
- Every single restriction on abortion that currently exists to be repealed, and,
- For YOU to fully fund abortions with YOUR tax dollars!
Can you imagine the devastation if they succeed?
Thousands more preborn children will die brutal deaths, while the abortion industry rakes in the profits…
Thousands more young mothers will be scarred for the rest of their lives from the emotional, psychological, and physical trauma of killing their own children…
Families will be broken and destroyed. Future generations will be snuffed out.
carl, this is truly what’s at stake in 2020. The year ahead may be one of the most consequential we’ve ever faced in our fight to end the killing of the preborn.
Abortion giant Planned Parenthood already announced it will spend a record $45 million in a massive propaganda campaign to influence the 2020 election...
The money we raise, right now, from pro-life people like you will directly determine how many people we can reach with the truth about abortion in the New Year.
carl, I want you to know that for all of the threats we face in 2020, there is also great opportunity.
The reason abortion advocates are becoming even more radicalized is they know pro-lifers like you and me are winning!
With a wave of pro-life legislation being passed in statehouses across the country and the abortion rate falling to its lowest levels since Roe v. Wade, it’s clear our culture is becoming pro-life.
But, the killing won’t end unless you and I make it happen.
Together, we must continue every day to change hearts and minds on the killing of preborn children.
Because of passionate people like you, Live Action has largest online following for the pro-life movement, with over 4 million followers on social media.
Based on a survey we conducted earlier this year of our Facebook followers, 18% of people who responded said a Live Action video or article converted them from "pro-choice" to PRO-LIFE…
Can you imagine how fast our country could change if we could reach every pro-choice American and convert 18% of them to become pro-life?
The preborn would be fully protected by our laws. Thousands of babies’ lives would be saved.
carl, Live Action has the tools to make abortion unthinkable, we just need the resources - will you partner with us for 2020?
Every dollar you give means we can reach an additional 34 people with the truth about abortion.
Don’t forget, you must make your donation before MIDNIGHT tonight for it to count as a charitable donation for tax purposes in 2019.
Please act today to protect innocent preborn children - 2020 will be our greatest test.
I know I’ve asked you for a lot in 2019, but we must fight to end this great evil once and for all.
Thank you so much for all you do to defend the most vulnerable - I can’t wait to see all we will achieve together.
Happy New Year!
For life,
Lila Rose
President & Founder
Live Action