Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Today's Must-See Videos
This Beautiful Rendition Of ‘You’re My All In All’ Will Bless Your Heart
BROTHERBROWN Worship shared a video singing a cover of well-known worship song by Dennis Jernigan, ‘All in All.’ The video description says that BROTHERBROWN is comprised of two brothers who love to worship God using their musical talent. This iconic song was written by Dennis Jernigan, from Oklahoma. He has written many Christian songs but […]
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Mom Refuses To Abort Baby After Her Water Breaks Early At 13-Weeks, Gives Birth To Baby Girl
A mom whose water broke at only 13 weeks is amazed that her daughter survived despite all odds. Kirsty Mizon’s water broke very early at 13 weeks, and doctors thought it was a miscarriage and even suggested to her to abort the baby, but she refused and now her baby is thriving. Kirsty says, “I […]
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Bible Verses For New Year
Bible Verses For The New Year 2020
Inspiring Bible verses and thoughts for the New Year 2020 It is the time that everyone makes a new year’s resolution, what they want to become, what they want to allow in their lives and what they want to remove from their lives. It is good to have a new year resolution but do you […]
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Young Boy Notices Another Kid Playing Basketball With No Shoes, Gives Him A Pair
A young boy is warming hearts all over the country for an amazing act of kindness. Ethan Emilo Guzman was with his dad in the car when he saw another boy playing basketball without shoes. As Ethan’s dad, Eman, was pulling up to their apartment building, Ethan yelled “Stop!” and asked the boy why he […]
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“We Promised Each Other, In Sickness And In Health Until Death Do Us Part”: Husband Donates Kidney To Wife Of 51 Years
One wife received a gift more precious than diamonds or rubies from her husband which gave her a second chance at life.   Mike gave his wife, Peggy, his kidney, after hers was failing due to polycystic kidney disease (PKD) which was causing cysts to develop in the kidneys, which was leading to kidney failure. […]
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