Pelosi Pushes Absurd Excuse For Not Sending Impeachment Articles To Senate
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The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives passed both articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump two weeks ago.
After leading the most partisan impeachment inquiry in modern American history, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is refusing to send the articles of impeachment over to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell because she says Republicans won't hold a "fair" trial.
And on Monday, Pelosi doubled down on that statement, saying that she wants to know more about the Senate’s trial.
The speaker, who oversaw the impeachment inquiry in the House over the past few months, said in a tweet, “The House cannot choose our impeachment managers until we know what sort of trial the Senate will conduct.”
She continued, “President Trump blocked his own witnesses and documents from the House, and from the American people, on phony complaints about the House process. What is his excuse now?
Pelosi’s remark clearly angered the president who shot back, “Pelosi gives us the most unfair trial in the history of the U.S. Congress, and now she is crying for fairness in the Senate, and breaking all rules while doing so.” He added, “She lost Congress once, she will do it again!”
Senate Republicans have told Democrats exactly what's going to happen when the articles are sent to the upper chamber -- and liberals are fuming over it.
McConnell and Senate Republicans are "unified" behind a no-witness impeachment trial — if the House ever transmits the articles of impeachment they voted on before their holiday recess.
McConnell said he believes his entire caucus united: “After weeks of behind-the-scenes debate, Senate Republicans have hit on their strategy for handling President Trump’s impeachment: a brief trial — with no witness testimony — and a fast acquittal.”
With the looming impeachment trial in the Senate -- Democrats are whining, issuing ridiculous demands, and already claiming the process is "rigged."