Sunday, November 1, 2020

Kirstie Alley slams CNN in pandemic feud: 'This how fake information spreads'


Kirstie Alley slams CNN in pandemic feud: 'This how fake information spreads'

Kirstie Alley fired back at CNN for tweeting that she was minimizing the coronavirus pandemic — in response to a feud she ignited earlier this week.

On Thursday, the Scream Queens actress tweeted at the network, “I now know why my personal friends who walk around in SHEER TERROR of contracting Covid are simply CNN viewers!”

She added, “I decided to watch CNN myself to get a their viewpoint and oh my God DID I EVER!!!! IF YOU TOO WANT TO LIVE IN TERROR WATCH CNN!! FEAR OF DYING IS THEIR MANTRA! OMG!”

CNN’s communications team responded with a jab at Alley’s sitcom Veronica’s Closet, which aired on NBC for three seasons from 1997 to 2000. “Kirstie, you are welcome to change the channel — just like countless viewers did every time ‘Veronica’s Closet’ came on TV,” read the tweet. “But don’t downplay the loss of nearly 230K American lives. And please, wear a mask.”

In the U.S., positive COVID-19 cases just surpassed 9 million and more than 229,800 people have died. On Sunday, the White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said in an interview with CNN, "We are not going to control the pandemic” and instead focus on developing vaccines and medication. Currently, pharmaceutical companies are working on vaccines and on October 22, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the antiviral drug remdesivir to treat COVID-19 patients, the same one provided to President Trump — whom Alley supports — when he was diagnosed with the virus this month.

On Friday, Alley responded to CNN by slamming Trump’s opponent Joe Biden. “Meow...if only you paid as much attention to Joe Biden’s alleged corrupt business dealings as a TV show that was rated top ten in 1997..... guess you got that wrong too,” she tweeted.

The actress continued: “Find ONE tweet I’ve tweeted to encourage people NOT to wear masks or NOT be careful or that has said anything disrespectful about sick people or those who have died ... there isn’t one. THIS is how FAKE information spreads like...” adding a GIF of burning lava.

She further defended herself in another message, “I should be ashamed for saying that CNN terrifies people 24/7 & that the only news they’re reporting is Covid? I’m a mask wearing social distancing devotee. I know the death count you f**king moron. That still doesn’t discount CNN terrifying people 24/7 with ZERO NEW SOLUTIONS!”

Weeks ago, Alley sparked more controversy when she announced support for President Trump by tweeting, “I’m voting for @realDonaldTrump because he’s NOT a politician. I voted for him 4 years ago for this reason and shall vote for him again for this reason. He gets things done quickly and he will turn the economy around quickly. There you have it folks there you have it.”

The declaration earned Alley both love and scorn, particularly from celebrities like Judd Apatow who tweeted, “Shelly Long was way funnier than you” of the actress whom Alley replaced on the beloved sitcom Cheers.

The slams only inspired Alley’s convictions. “Stick to your guns,” she tweeted. “Not always easy to be under fire but always easier than going against your own integrity.”

Read more from Yahoo Entertainment:




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