Friday, February 26, 2021

Geraldo Rivera gets shouted down on 'Hannity' for condemning the term 'illegal alien' Yahoo TV STEPHEN PROCTOR February 26, 2021, 2:11 AM


Geraldo Rivera gets shouted down on 'Hannity' for condemning the term 'illegal alien'

Geraldo Rivera condemns the term 'illegal alien' but Hannity isn't buying it

Fox News correspondent-at-large Geraldo Rivera appeared on Hannity Thursday night, as usual, alongside contributor Dan Bongino. It’s not uncommon for the two to disagree,, but on Thursday when Rivera made the case against the use of the term ‘illegal alien,’ he got shouted down by both Bongino and Sean Hannity. It probably doesn’t help that in making this case Rivera was agreeing with the Biden administration, which has proposed removing the term “alien” from immigration law in favor of “noncitizen.”

But for one brief moment, Rivera was able to make his case uninterrupted.

“Illegal immigrant presupposes that adjudication has been made. Legal, illegal. You only get to be illegal when an adjudication has been made,” Rivera said. “So when you can't someone presumptively illegal, and usually it's coupled with alien, illegal alien, not only do you make the judgment that the person is there illegally, as if you were the judge in an immigration court, but now he's also an alien.”

But things quickly went off the rails when Rivera alluded to what people think of when they hear the word alien, like as in a being from Mars. Rivera was trying to make the case that calling someone an alien gives people the sense that the person is remote to their lives, and that it’s dehumanizing, calling the term “a horrible thing.” Hannity argued that the term should stay because it’s been used for decades, and quickly jumped at the chance to question if Rivera actually thought people hear the word alien and immediately think the person to whom is being referred is from Mars, using that terminology to belittle Rivera’s argument.

Rivera continued with his attempts to argue his point, but the attempts were futile as he was eventually silenced by Bongino as the segment ran out of time.


After shouting down Rivera, Bongino exclaimed, “You lose this debate tonight. Sorry. I’m declaring a win. One nothing, Dan Bongino.”

Hannity airs weeknights at 8 p.m. on Fox News Channel.

Check out why AT&T clashed with Tucker Carlson following a 'misleading' segment:

AT&T clashes with Tucker Carlson following 'misleading' segment

After Tucker Carlson took shots at AT&T for a business relationship it has with a Chinese telecommunications company, China Telecom, AT&T fired back with an almost immediate retort. Carlson’s point of contention was AT&T’s opposition to sanctions threatened by the Trump administration in its waning days against Chinese telecommunications companies, including China Telecom. Though the threatened sanctions were never imposed, Trump administration officials accused these companies of aiding the Chinese government in carrying out human rights abuses. Carlson even went so far as to accuse AT&T of “siding with a company that had a hand in genocide in China.” AT&T quickly released a statement reading in part, “Unfortunately, the story that aired was misleading and failed to represent all the facts about the role AT&T plays in serving the telecommunications needs of American companies that operate around the world.” Along with the statement, AT&T included the information it provided to Tucker Carlson Tonight before the show aired, including the reason why the company opposed the sanctions, which Carlson left out of the segment. “Without a relationship with a licensed Chinese communications company, no non-Chinese provider can serve U.S. companies operating in China,” AT&T wrote. “In the absence of that, such support would be provided by a Chinese state-owned enterprise instead of AT&T or any other American company.”

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