Sunday, February 28, 2021

Biden White House Limiting Press Access By Requiring $170 Covid-19 Testing Fees (Details) Figures. The guy hates answering questions because he has nothing to say! John SalvatorePublished 12 hours ago on February 27, 2021By John Salvatore


Biden White House Limiting Press Access By Requiring $170 Covid-19 Testing Fees (Details)

Figures. The guy hates answering questions because he has nothing to say!

John Salvatore





If President Trump did anything remotely close to what Biden is doing regarding limiting the press’ access to him, he would’ve been impeached a third time.

Must be nice to have the mainstream media on your side!

From New York Post:

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WASHINGTON — The White House is imposing a new $170 COVID-19 testing fee on reporters who want to access the West Wing, in what critics say is the latest step that constrains press coverage of President Biden.

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The Biden administration already imposed sweeping restrictions, including capping at 80 the number of pre-approved journalists who are able to access White House grounds on a given day — each of whom must take a COVID-19 rapid test before 1 p.m.


Under former President Donald Trump, any reporter with a “hard pass” was able to breeze past the White House gates at any time and without taking a coronavirus test. But few abused the privilege due to peer pressure to limit visits.

The latest restrictions were announced in an on-the-record email from White House Correspondents’ Association President Zeke Miller, who is a reporter for The Associated Press.


What are the odds we’ll all look back on this time and laugh?

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