Friday, February 26, 2021

COMMON GROUND ON PARTIAL-BIRTH ABORTION? NEWS: VIDEO William Mahoney, Ph.D. • • February 25, 2021 21 Comments HHS nominee's embattled hearing



by William Mahoney, Ph.D.  •  •  February 25, 2021    21 Comments

HHS nominee's embattled hearing

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Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

Biden's pick for Health and Human Services, or HHS, is under fire for his lack of experience, extreme positions and history of manipulating the law to punish enemies

Xavier Becerra, currently California's attorney general, is a self-identifying Catholic but a staunch pro-abort politician.

At his Senate confirmation hearing on Tuesday, Becerra floundered in the face of questions on his radical track record.

Sen. Mitt Romney: "You voted against a ban on partial-birth abortion — why?"

Xavier Becerra:

I understand that we may not always agree on where to go, but I think we can find some common ground on these issues because everyone wants to make sure that, if you have an opportunity, you're going to live a healthy life. And I will tell you that I hope to be able to work with you and others to reach that common ground on so many different issues.

Senator Mitt Romney clarified he and Becerra could not find common ground on partial-birth abortion.

Becerra's inexperience, coupled with his legal history, was another recurring theme.

Senator Richard Burr: "I am not sold yet. I am not sure that you have the necessary experience or skills to do this job at this moment. I am not sure that you have the appropriate respect for the private sector ... ."

Speaking on Hannity, Sen. Ted Cruz noted the Biden administration likes to tout a science base and a priority to stop COVID, making Becerra a ridiculous pick for HHS.

Senator Ted Cruz: "He's not a doctor. He has no scientific background. He has no background in virology. He's never worked in a pharmaceutical company. He's got nothing to do with health care. But what is he? He's a trial lawyer. And his only experience — as far as I can tell — with health care is he sued the Little Sisters of the Poor."

In a recent webinar, two pro-life leaders and two senators decried Becerra as the HHS nominee.

Kristan Hawkins: "Xavier Becerra has come under fire for many reasons ... his advocacy for Medicare for All, to his championing a convicted drug dealer for a pardon, to his financial ties to teachers' unions, with a keep-schools-closed agenda ... ."

Pro-life groups have long opposed Becerra for his anti-Catholic radicalism, like slapping David Daleiden with 15 felony charges for exposing Planned Parenthood's macabre, illegal side hustle — selling the remains of aborted babies.

They do not want to find out what he would do as head of HHS.


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