Big Tech and government unite

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An alliance is forming between business and government to attack free speech.
The White House is now enlisting Facebook, Twitter and Google to quash all anti-vaccine chatter from going viral — this, according to a senior White House official.
Mark Zuckerberg: "Facebook and the tech industry are located in the Silicon Valley, which is an extremely left-leaning place."
Similarly, big-tech Microsoft announced Monday it is joining forces with other technology and media companies to combat what they claim is a "prevalence of disinformation and online content fraud."
As public mistrust of the vaccines becomes more prevalent, Big Tech — with the backing of the Biden administration — will control such speech online, considering it disinformation.
News anchor: "It may require (I should say) users to remove tweets that advance harmful, false or misleading narratives about COVID vaccines."
This coalition — consisting of Microsoft, Adobe, Intel, the BBC, Arm and Truepic — will fight what they consider to be "manipulated content." Uncovering so-called deepfake videos will be important going forward. Technology can now alter videos to produce people seemingly saying and doing things that they never actually said or did.
Jordan Peele: "Jordan Peele created this fake video of President Obama."
The greater danger, however, is that censors' progressive ideology leads them to interpret legitimate opinion, or even fact, as falsehood or hate speech. For instance, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., cofounder and chair of Children's Health Defense and son of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, was recently banned from Instagram — to the delight of the liberal media.
The View hosts: "Robert Kennedy Jr. was just banned from Instagram for posting some debunked claims ... What better way to be a good corporate citizen than to shut down misinformation about the coronavirus or the efficacy of the vaccine?"
Kennedy recently Tweeted: "Social media tycoons are now openly serving as government surrogates in censoring factually accurate information that departs from government policies and pronouncements."
Liberal attorney and law professor Alan Dershowitz says business and government have no right to censor speech — no matter how disagreeable.
Dershowitz: "The point is that Americans should have the right to pick and choose what channels we want to watch, and it shouldn't be up to the cable providers, and it certainly shouldn't be up to members of Congress."
Big Tech and Democrat politicians explain away their censorship of free speech as fact-checking. But their agenda to silence conservative opposition is now becoming more out in the open.