Friday, February 26, 2021

DETROIT TRUTH-TELLER CANNED NEWS: VIDEO Christine Niles • • February 26, 2021 Latest casualty of homosexual cover-up



by Christine Niles  •  •  February 26, 2021    6 Comments

Latest casualty of homosexual cover-up

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Huy-Linh Dang: "Those men are placed in those positions of prominence. And they'll just crush dissent."

A truth-teller in the archdiocese of Detroit is getting the boot.

Huy-Linh Dang: "She basically handed me an envelope and said, 'You're being terminated because of insubordination.'"

Huy-Linh Dang, former teacher at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School in Plymouth, was fired Monday. It came months after his pastor, Fr. Michael Suhy, was abruptly removed from his parish.

In a Nov. 17, 2020 statement, the archdiocese claimed Suhy was "overwhelmed with the responsibilities, burdens and challenges of administrating a large and complex parish ... ."

But Fr. Suhy tells a different story, saying he was punished for blowing the whistle on homosexual grooming and harassment by Joe Balistreri, director of music for the archdiocese and Abp. Allen Vigneron's own organist at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral.

Huy-Linh Dang: "People are hurting right now, and they're leaving the Church. People were literally leaving our parish because of this."

Dang questioned the archdiocese's removal of Suhy, directly challenging Msgr. Patrick Halfpenny, temporarily assigned at the parish in Suhy's absence.

Huy-Linh Dang: "I told Monsignor, Msgr., you've been in the Church, in a very prominent position in the Church, in the last 40, 50 years. I blame some of this on you as well, because look at the decline in the Church. And he basically said, 'The Church is in perfect hands.'"

Monsignor Halfpenny is a stalwart in Detroit, with a 50-year friendship with Vigneron, his seminary buddy, as well as scandal-ridden Abp. John Nienstedt, who resigned from St. Paul-Minneapolis in 2015 after numerous allegations of homosexual misconduct — connections reported in a Church Militant exposé.

Huy-Linh Dang: "I was like, people are reading Church Militant, and his response was, 'That's unfortunate.' And I was like, OK, what is your response? 'You know, I'm just here to listen.'"

The Detroit hierarchy is protecting Balistreri, a known commodity in Detroit's homosexual scene. 

Huy-Linh Dang: "You just see the wreckage of families, and you see the wreckage of the Church, and you have to do something."

While Church Militant's reporting resulted in Balistreri leaving his post, he's likely received a nice severance package. Meanwhile, Fr. Suhy languishes without a parish, and Huy-Linh Dang — his defender — is out of a job.


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