Tuesday, March 29, 2022

CONTRACEPTIVE PILL FOR MALES NEWS: VIDEO REPORTS..by Paul Murano • ChurchMilitant.com • March 29, 2022 2 Comments Attack on human life to be expanded



by Paul Murano  •  ChurchMilitant.com  •  March 29, 2022    2 Comments

Attack on human life to be expanded

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Ever since women in the 1960s consumed the new forbidden fruit — the contraceptive pill — a Culture of Death has plagued relationships, marriage and society. In tonight's In-Depth Report, Church Militant's Paul Murano reports on a new male contraceptive pill that would further emasculate men.

Joy Behar, co-host, The View: "Scientists have announced that they've developed a male contraceptive pill that has been showing impressive results in lab mice."

Early trials on a contraceptive pill for men are scheduled to begin by the end of this year. It's meant to be a male version of the so-called birth control pill that was approved by the FDA in 1960. That pill, inaugurating the sexual revolution, was the first so-called medicine given to people who aren't sick.

Sarah E. Hill, research psychologist, Texas Christian University: "There's a lot of research indicating women tend to have diminished libido on the birth control pill ..."

It's a hormonal cocktail that poisons and manipulates women's bodies to act against their nature, thwarting their life-giving power.

Dr. Abdullah Al Noman, lead researcher, University of Minnesota: "For male contraceptive research, I'm highly excited about it." 

Researcher Abdullah Al Noman says scientists have been trying for decades to develop an effective male version of "the pill."

Dr. Abdullah Al Norman: "In the contraceptive pill, this is still disproportionately carried out by women. So we need a male contraceptive agent."

Researchers from the University of Minnesota claim their compound targets the receptor that binds vitamin A, inhibiting sperm cell growth.

Gunda Georg, director, Institute for Therapeutics Discovery and Development, University of Minnesota: "It has been known for a very long time that depriving male mice of vitamin A — then they become infertile."

Ironically, sperm counts in men have already been dropping dramatically across the globe, so much so that the drop poses a threat to human survival, said a noted epidemiologist in USA Today.

NBC reporter: "Researchers say there's too much estrogen in the water, the natural female hormone that is found in every sewer system."

Plastics and birth control hormones making their way to our water supplies have largely been to blame.

Narrator, Just an Idea podcast: "Birth control goes into the water supply, leaked out from the body, and because of that, the estrogen goes along with it in the form of Estradiol."

Should this pill become FDA approved, it could mean another death knell for humanity. Catholic theology recognizes when the principle of inseparability is violated — 

Fr. Michael Schmitz, diocese of Duluth: "What's it for? Unity and procreation. You might say, like, bonding and babies."

When the unitive and procreative meanings of the marital act are ruptured, all hell breaks loose for marriage, the family and society.

Trent Horn, Catholic apologist, The Counsel of Trent podcast: "When sex is involved in a moral issue, rational thinking goes out the window."

The prospect of a male contraceptive pill excites the spiritually blind in our hedonistic society, but it's the last thing the human race needs.

The drug has been tested on mice, diminishing their sperm production and preventing pregnancy. It has not yet been tested on humans.


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