Friday, June 24, 2022

Watch: Clinical Sexologist Reacts to 'Child-Friendly' Drag Shows - 'It's Called Visual Sexual Abuse'...The Liberal Response to Any View with Which they Disagree..Navy Releases Infamous 'Drone Swarm' UFO Video After Leak This is a little spooky...


Web version
Watch: Clinical Sexologist Reacts to 'Child-Friendly' Drag Shows - 'It's Called Visual Sexual Abuse'
'I doubt that any parents would take a young child to a strip club.' Read more…

The Liberal Response to Any View with Which they Disagree 
It never occurs to them that they are behind a self-imposed information iron curtain. Read more…
Pence Takes Aim at J6 Committee as 'Distraction', Blasting Dems
Is it us, or is Pence beginning to speak a little more like he's on the campaign trail? Read more…
Russia Could Sentence US Soldiers Captured in Ukraine to Death
The international row that this would incite would be stunning. Read more…
Desparate Biden Now Considering Gas Stimulus for American Consumers 
When the polling gets tough, just give them money... Read more…
Video: Frustrated Drivers Blocked on Busy Road Take Matters Into Their Own Hands and Drag Protesters Out of the Way
Italian motorists finally had enough and physically removed environmental protesters from a busy roadway. Read more…
Iranian Ships Charges US Vessel, Prompting Warning Shot
The shocking incident lasted for nearly an hour. Read more…
All Pain, No Gain | Schaftlein Report
All Pain, No Gain | Schaftlein Report
Read more…


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