Sunday, February 25, 2024

Biden Blasts GOP as Worse Than 70s Racists in Fiery Rant


Biden Blasts GOP as Worse Than 70s Racists in Fiery Rant

President Joe Biden launched into a fiery attack on Republican lawmakers during a private campaign fundraiser in San Francisco, California. The president didn’t hold back his frustration as he took aim at House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), other House Republicans, and even former President Donald Trump. Biden accused them of making it harder to reform immigration policy and extend aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. He even went so far as to compare the current House caucus to “real racists” he served with in the Senate in the 1970s, claiming these guys are worse and do not believe in basic democratic principles

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Biden, a longtime senator, didn’t mince words as he reminisced about serving alongside “real racists” like Strom Thurmond and others. He made the striking claim that these current Republicans were even more problematic to work with than Thurmond, who was a well-known opponent of the civil rights movement. The president asserted that Thurmond, despite his troubling record, had more African Americans on his staff than any other member in Congress and had voted to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act. According to Biden, the current Republican lawmakers are so unyielding that they’ve even surpassed the challenges he faced dealing with individuals like Thurmond.

In no uncertain terms, Biden condemned the Republican Party as the “party of chaos and division,” branding them as an obstacle to progress. The president’s sharp criticism came during a high-profile campaign visit to California, where he has been engaging in various events to rally support. Despite the pushback from the Republican opposition, Biden remains determined to make headway and drive his agenda forward, even as he prepares to return to the White House after a final campaign reception and fundraiser.

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