SENATE GOP LEADER McCONNELL STEPPING DOWNSenate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY, announced Wednesday that he will step down in November. McConnell, who recently turned 82, is the Senate’s longest-serving party leader with 17 years under his belt. He said Wednesday he intends to complete his term as senator after leaving his leadership role.READ
CHRISTIAN LEADERS DEMAND APOLOGY FROM POLITICOCatholicVote President Brian Burch and Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council sent a letter Wednesday to the leadership of Politico demanding that the news outlet hold national journalist Heidi Przybyla accountable for smearing “Christian nationalists” in a recent MSNBC interview. “Ms. Przybyla owes people of faith an apology, as does her employer,” the letter stated. “Politico must confirm that such offensive comments have no place within its organization.”READ
GOP SENATOR SCUTTLES DUCKWORTH IVF BILLSen. Cindy Hyde-Smith, R-MS, blocked the Senate passage of a bill proposed by Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-IL, that would create a “right to access in-vitro fertilization (IVF)” and surrogacy. Hyde-Smith said: “The bill before us today is a vast overreach that is full of poison pills that go way too far.”READ
ADAMS CITES MIGRANT CRIME IN CALL TO CHANGE ‘SANCTUARY’ STATUSDemocratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams voiced support for making changes to the Big Apple’s “sanctuary city” status amid a surge of crime perpetrated by illegal migrants. “We should not be allowing people who are repeatedly committing crimes to remain here,” he said.READ
JUDGE BLASTS FEDS FOR NOT PROSECUTING ANTIFAA federal judge held that the “selective prosecution” of right-wing demonstrators in California was “textbook viewpoint discrimination,” citing the lack of prosecution against armed far-left Antifa rioters.READ
EUROPEAN POLITICIAN WARNS OF WHO ‘PANDEMIC TREATY’ During a roundtable discussion on Monday led by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-WI, Dutch member of the European Parliament Rob Roos urgently warned that the freedom of the West would come under threat if the World Health Organization’s proposed “Pandemic Treaty” is adopted along with amendments submitted by the Biden administration. Dr. Susan Berry explains.READ
COLORADO DEMS KILL ANTI-PEDOPHILE BILL Democrats in the Colorado legislature blocked a Republican bill aimed at protecting the state’s children from sex traffickers and other predators. The bill would have mandated minimum sentences for people caught purchasing children for rape. “Democrats in Colorado have now become the party of pedophile rapists,” said CatholicVote President Brian Burch.READ
LOOPcast US airman burns himself to death in DC … martyr material or mental case? SCOTUS considers censorship on social media, and the Left cries “Free Speech!” Biden emerges from his basement HQ for a Late Night appearance, complete with ice cream stop.LISTEN
EXPLAINER: IVF MEANS MASS DEATHS Many on the political Left and “even many Republicans” have “misrepresented” the Alabama Supreme Court’s recent ruling on the humanity of frozen human embryos, writes Arina Grossu Agnew. “The inconvenient underbelly of the IVF industry is that millions of embryos are created every year in the U.S., but most of them die during the IVF process and others are frozen indefinitely.”READ
DALLAS MAYOR EXPLAINS HIS DECISION TO LEAVE DEMSDallas Mayor Eric Johnson explained that his Christian faith played a role in his decision to switch his party registration from Democratic to Republican. Johnson is a devout Christian, and he noted that “I had more phone calls with people distraught about this party switch than I ever would have gotten if I had told people that I was actually leaving the church.”READ
CATHOLIC GUILT IS NOT A THINGCatholic Guilt: that tendency of Catholics to be hyper-critical of their own moral behavior; to be haunted by a sense of culpability; to fear God’s condemnation over things that really aren’t a big deal. This concept is a myth. Sure, some people struggle with scrupulosity, but the Catholic Church defines a harmonious balance between looking inward for the problem and looking outward in a culture that increasingly avoids responsibility and blames “the system.”READ
CATHOLIC 101Have you ever walked into a new parish and genuflected only to find that the tabernacle isn’t in the sanctuary? You begin the 360-degree visual tour of the Church looking for that precious gold box until you spot it in a back corner (or not at all?!). What are some basic “rules” that govern where the tabernacle is supposed to be?READ
SAINT OF THE DAYThe king of Northumbria from 634 to his death, St. Oswald is venerated as a saint. He had a large following, was generous with the poor, and spread Christianity all over Northumbria. His reign is surrounded by legends.READ
DAILY PSALM “Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.” (Psalm 40:5)READ
ADD TO THE BEAUTY! Dappled Things, a Catholic literary magazine, is calling for submissions in the first annual Sacred Heart Art Competition. Organizers hope to promote a deeper reverence and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by challenging artists to create new images of the Sacred Heart.LEARN MORE
Paid for by CatholicVote Civic Action, a 501(c)(4) organization.
CATHOLICVOTE | PO Box 3310 | Carmel, IN 46082 | (317) 669-6127