The IM Writers Association. We aim to create a community of writers who share a common faith and passion for writing that advances the Life of Jesus Christ. #5 IDENTITY POLITICS: Politics & FaithDr. Stephen Phinney: In the intricate creation of humans and the societies they build, two threads - spirituality and politics - intertwine in a dance of mutual influence and interdependence."Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” -General George WashingtonIn the intricate creation of humans and the societies they build, two threads - spirituality and politics - intertwine in a dance of mutual influence and interdependence. Spirituality, with its profound Biblical insights into the human’s fallen condition and its moral compass, provides a foundation upon which political structures should be built. Politics, in turn, shapes the societal landscape in which authentic spirituality is expressed and experienced. The interplay between these two forces is not merely incidental; it is fundamental to the functionality and harmony of any society. Recognizing and respecting the importance of both spirituality and politics is crucial in our quest for a more compassionate, moral, just, and equitable nation and world. However, when the Church and other religious institutions cannot find harmony and agreement, the infrastructure of a nationality implodes. "Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by a difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought to be deprecated." -George Washington The discord between spiritual leaders and political figures is a reflection of the foundation of the differing views on the complexities of the God that leads both. When both consider their institutions as supremely led by a differing God, the misnomer of separation of Church & State dominates. This assumed a complex interplay between spirituality and politics, which activates a separation between the people and their governing leaders, resulting in Big Government acting AS a god. While both domains aim to guide society, competition begins to rule the relationship between both parties. Since competition ends with a single side being the “loser,” their methods and perspectives often drive a wedge between the governing forces and the people who should be protected by their government - leading to more conflict. However, it is essential to remember that such disagreements, when approached with respect and open dialogue, sustaining the Constitution can lead to growth and progress. It is through these challenging interactions that we can foster a deeper understanding and find a balanced path forward when the governing forces and the institutions of spiritual beliefs maintain the ideology that both are ruled under a single God. Then, both establishments can integrate their spiritual values and political objectives into a single objective TO carry out the responsibilities of both institutions. "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion, and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim tribute to patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness - these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. . . . reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles." -George Washington Persistent conflict between spiritual leaders of faith in Jesus Christ and politicians can lead to societal discord and fragmentation. Politics without faith will lead a nation into tyranny and disaster. When these influential figures are at odds, it can create confusion and tension among the public, and the church, infighting among religions, and potentially lead to divisions that often morph into Civil Wars. This can hinder the overall society of a nation, its progress, and harmony to maintain its Constitution - the We, The People’s bible of sorts. Therefore, it is crucial for spiritual leaders and politicians to engage in open, respectful dialogue to reconcile their differences and work towards the Biblical common good found IN the Constitution. Their collaboration can serve as a powerful force for unity, peace, and progress in society, their religious institutions, and the government itself. REMOVING THE HOLY BIBLE FROM GOVERNANCE The removal of the Holy Bible, or any religious text, from the government, will be a contentious issue when the people who founded the nation built the nation upon the Word of God. On one hand, it could be seen as a move towards secularism and socialism to ensure the separation of Church and State, while promoting religious neutrality in public policy. When this happens, the politician’s rule of law and justice is based on the cultural misnomers of certain depraved, non-religious masses. On the other hand, it could be perceived as a disregard for the spiritual values that were initially embedded in the country’s foundational structure. When the Church is threatened by its government, a Holy war of sorts is declared, not only with its established institutions but by God Himself. This turns the hand of God against a nation, spiritual condemnation ensues, and imploding begins to occur. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. (Romans 13:2)When a country’s people begin to defy authority, it always signifies a deep-seated dissatisfaction with being controlled by another human. When the masses become ignorant of the Word of God AND the reality that all authority is established by God, the worst kind of national defragmentation occurs.
When a nation forgets the importance of integrating the Holy Bible with its political management, a countrywide defiance rules the day. This defiance most assuredly will manifest in various forms, from peaceful protests to violent uprisings, opinionates claiming there is no God, and a society embracing the lie that a nation is separate from the Bible of the people. America now calls this separation of Church and State. According to the Word of God and God Himself, there is no such separation. While such actions can lead to instability and conflict in the short term, they also have the potential to bring about significant social, cultural, and political change. Such a demise has fallen on the United States of America. If a nation does not turn or repent, of such well-placed lies, the nation and its people are handed over by God to their depraved ideologies.
Has this happened to America?That is a question you must answer. I believe such actions from Heaven’s side have taken place. Is redemption possible for America? Absolutely! That is, if our nation falls on its knees and confesses the sin of departing from the Biblical foundation of our nation. … and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)It’s crucial that our nation returns to its Biblical foundation. If, and I mean if, we did, we would have a guidepost to resolve our dissents with open dialogue and constructive action from the renewed honor of existing authorities. Failure to address this preeminent issue, we can expect relentless exacerbated tensions, leading to prolonged periods of unrest and division that WILL jeopardize the sovereign independence of our nation. It’s a delicate balance between faith and politics that requires wisdom, empathy, and a commitment to justice from all parties involved. While the norm has changed drastically over the past two decades, many citizens continue to hold dear the absolutes of the Word of God and believe in the historical influence of our founding member’s faith in politics. America as a nation is going through an identity crisis, much like its people. Viewing the partnership of faith and politics through the mind of Christ is integral to reestablishing a national identity that was cemented in God through Jesus Christ, and His Holy Word. Therefore, any changes in this regard should be approached with humility, a repentant heart, and an immovable belief in faith and politics, which was established by the God of Israel. Dr. Stephen Phinney Identity Politics | Co-writer: Judge Mark T. Boonstra IM Writers Association is a collective group of Christian writers who support the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ while sustaining an eschatological view of the Holy Scriptures of God. |