This insanely hypocritical Super Bowl commercial has working class Americans preparing for another Bud Light-esque boycott

Woke companies have spent the last couple of years facing the economic pain of ostracizing the overwhelming majority of working class Americans in order to appease the woke outrage mob.
Some seem to be learning their lesson and attempting to right the ship while others seem to think Americans are stupid enough that they can play both sides without anyone noticing.
And this insanely hypocritical Super Bowl commercial has working class Americans preparing for another Bud Light-esque boycott.
Giving credit where it’s due, Dove’s Super Bowl ad aimed to promote female participation in athletics across the country.
In the ad, the company noted that nearly half of all girls quit athletics by the start of high school, calling for action to keep girls in sports.
But the 30 second ad – which reportedly cost $7 million just to put on the air during the Super Bowl – seems to completely contradict their take on female sports historically.
Dove has a history of celebrating and advocating for woke extremism, particularly the idea that biological men who claim to be women should be allowed to participate in women’s sports.
According to the Daily Wire, “in 2021, [Dove] tweeted congrats to Laurel Hubbard, a male weightlifter who competed against female competitors at the Olympics.”
“history in the making,” Dove’s post read. “Congrats to Laurel! Here’s to more trans representation in sports.”
This isn’t the first time Dove chose the woke path either.
The Daily Wire also reported on a social justice initiative previously launched by Dove years ago.The initiative has a website designed to target children between ages 11 and 14, and encourages discussion between kids and adults about sexual orientation and dangerous, irreversible sex-change operations.
This prompted a response from Riley Gaines, a former University of Kentucky swimmer who was one of the many female athletes who were forced to not only compete against but also share a locker room with University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas – despite the fact that Thomas was, as Gaines put it, a “fully intact male” who claimed to be a woman – at the 2022 NCAA Swimming National Championships.
Thomas had previously competed as a male swimmer for Penn, ranking outside the top-500 male swimmers in the nation when competing on a level playing field with other biological males.
But after claiming to be a woman, Thomas ultimately won the NCAA women’s 500-yard freestyle National Championship, and tied Gaines for fifth in the women’s 200-yard freestyle, as well.
Despite Gaines and Thomas tying for fifth, though, the woke extremists within the NCAA told Gaines she’d be going home empty-handed, while Thomas would be awarded the place and recognized for his “accomplishments” due to the fact that the NCAA thought appeasing the woke left-wing outrage mob would play better in the media.
“Isn’t it almost comical that Dove just had a Super Bowl commercial about keeping girls in sports yet they’re hiding all replies that even slightly suggest women’s sports should only be for women HA,” Gaines wrote on X in response to the ad.
Dove silenced replies on social media after one writer shared a link to the “She Won” website, which tallies the number of major athletic awards and achievements that have been stolen from biological women by biological men who are allowed to compete in women’s sports.
Currently, it is estimated that nearly 850 major awards and titles have been stolen from women by biological men who claim to be women in the name of woke extremism.
Dove is calling for women to stay in sports, despite the fact that it has played as big a role in replacing female athletes with biological males, turning all sports into men’s sports, as any woke extremist organization in America.
This is a level of hypocrisy not often seen, yet promoted so effortlessly.
Dove is trying to play both sides, but with this debate taking center stage in American culture, it is likely that the company will have to commit to one side and stick to it.
It seems that the American people are just not buying their hypocritical claims of caring about women.
US Political Daily will keep you updated on any developments to this ongoing story.