It is an honor to have you as a member of our subscription service! Share today. NUMBER SEVEN: #11 The Seven MountainsThese seven mountains represent the seven hills of Rome. The Seven Kings are one of the more debated passages in the Bible. These kings will undoubtedly be the final emperors of the coming New Roman.THE NUMBER SEVEN | THE SEVEN MOUNTAINSIf you are new to this series, here are the past episodes: HERE The Seven Mountains in the Book of Revelation, specifically in Revelation 17:9, are the domains of the Seven Kings."Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits, and they are seven kings; five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while. (Revelation 17:9-10) The Seven Kings are one of the more debated passages in the Bible. These kings will undoubtedly be the final emperors of the coming New Roman Empire. These seven mountains represent the seven hills of Rome. These hills were named Palatine, Aventine, Caelian, Equiline, Viminal, Quirimal, and Capitoline. However, it’s important to note that the following verse also refers to these seven mountains having seven kings ruling over cultural, religious, and political individuals, so it’s unwise to be dogmatic about identifying the city of Rome as the beast’s (Antichrist) capital city. I will explain this in detail in a moment. Just as a mountain rises above its surrounding area, so an unrighteous king or ruler exalts himself above his subjects. Further, a mountain is strong and may represent a king’s religious or political strength – or both.In the tribulation, the beast arises as a strong political figure who exalts himself to the point of declaring that he is God and demanding that people worship him. Whereas the False Prophet will rule and dominate religious thought to direct worship toward the Antichrist. I am about to explain the difference. First, let’s review the Seven Heads/Hills of Revelation:
These are the Seven Heads of the Dragon stated in Revelation 17:1-4. The Seven Heads noted in Revelation 17:9 are the seven mountains of Rome. Even though God eradicated the kingdoms of the first five hills (17:10), the final Antichrist will make use of their power representations in his Seven Year Tribulation – cultural power, religious power, the Roman State Church, death & destruction, socialism, global war, and global political power. He does this by appointing Seven Kings, chancellors of sorts, to dominate and matriculate humanity into his deceptive worldview and all of its institutions, to assist in his global reign. An important note: According to our passage, the first five mountains have fallen; one is, and the other has not yet come. The one that is - is global wars. Since the death of John, global wars have dominated the map of the world. Not one day has passed that wars and rumors of wars have plagued the earth. Even today, the fear of World War Three is upon us. These wars will be the constant that the Antichrist will make use of to fulfill the final two objectives of the last two mountains – global war and a one-world political power system.Secondly, and more significantly, our passage reveals that the GREAT MOTHER OF HARLOTS will be upon the back of this beast. This is none other than the False Prophet, who rides the back of political power to dominate the religious beliefs of all humans and their leaders – the Seven Kings. Will this harlot/whore be a woman? Possibly. However, religious thought has always been noted in Biblical history as a “she.” Politicians have always been noted as a “he.” Concerning the New Babylon or Rome the book of Revelation, this “she god” is directly connected to the ”she-wolf” who saved the twin brothers who established Rome. Throughout history, goddesses have been known for placing men in power. In the end, this GREAT HARLOT will do the same thing for the Antichrist. The religious False Prophet will ignite global beliefs by making use of a pagan system, which is both religious and political ideologies blended into one power structure. Keep in mind that the ultimate goal for Satan is to redirect all worship away from the Hebrew God and unto himself. The political forces he uses are to create such worship from the earth dwellers. In this, we can see the logic of the GREAT HARLOT riding the back of the political leader – the Antichrist. In fact, political leaders are impotent without the backing of religious leaders. NEW BABYLON IS THE NEW ROMEVerse 18 of our passage says, “the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.” Since Rome is that great city - when the book of Revelation notes the New Babylon, they are one and the same. It goes on to say in verse 9 that the great whore is seated upon the Seven Mountains, which of course are in Rome. The False Prophet is based in Rome because Rome has always been the epicenter of the blending of religious idols and political power. While the political elements of Rome shifted to the Germanic, now Europe, the False Prophet remains in the epicenter of global religious thought – Rome. So… what and who is the foundation of this False Prophet’s religion? After the political powers migrated north, the organized Roman State Church became the first of all religions to become an independent country, listed within the United Nations as a sovereign nation. They remain today the only religion in the world that holds such a status. They are by far the most powerful religious institution in the world today. What other religion holds such political and religious power? None. Think about it. If this False Prophet ruled the minds of the people as a sanctioned nation, as a religion, and then partnered with the most powerful politician, what would happen? All Hell would break lose; that’s what would happen. The alliance of the GREAT HARLOT and the beast, the Antichrist, will deliver a global system that will be like none other seen in world history. When the religious whore joins forces with the World Chancellor and his ten horns, which are the top ten superpowers, the Great Tribulation will be enacted. While the political World Chancellor, the Antichrist, will maintain control over the world’s political forces and their money, the False Prophet will be as the book of Revelation describes her – the wealthiest religious system in the Tribulation: clothing of purple and scarlet; adorned with gold, precious stone, and pearls; a golden cup in her hand. Folks, this unisex powerhead will be portrayed as a very wealthy system. Her taxation of the religious system will make her a rich harlot, the riches in all past and present harlots. With this wealth comes many abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. What does that mean? She will accept any and all kinds of sexual pleasures – homosexuality, same-sex marriages, bisexuality, transgenderism, or any other depraved cultural ideations to gain the favor and worship of all of humanity. The bottom line, she will religiously legalize all forms of sexual preferences. Her attractive veneer of pleasure will hide her hideous evil motives – that of leading the masses to worship Satan himself. Remember when the Catholic “Christian” Crusades started their First Crusade, which was a call for all Roman Catholics to go to war against Muslims in order to reclaim the Holy Land? This marked the beginning of a series of military campaigns that lasted until the end of the 13th century – all to create global religious dominance over not only the Holy Land but the world over. A fact known by few, this war was not with the Muslims alone, but every believer in Christ who did not join the Catholic church – such as the depraved slaughter of all those who supported the Great Reformation through the works of Martin Luther. Well, as they say, history tends to repeat itself, and this is one of those historical events that will repeat itself in the final hours of the End Times. Count on it. COMING MARCH 12TH: The Seven Identities, found in the Book of Revelation, is a set of seven identity markers revealed by the Living God. Don’t miss it.Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |