It is an honor to have you as a member of our subscription service! Share today. Resurrection 2024The Resurrection of Jesus Christ shocked the world. The resurrection validated Jesus’ claims of Divinity, new Life, and redemption forevermore.
FORWARD "THE RESURRECTION"IOM America, in partnership with Mel Gibson Productions, has released our 2024 resurrection short film, which has received 20K views. Our passion in Christ is to have our viewers/readers advance the real message of our Savior's Resurrection Day. After watching, please forward the media to family, friends, and strangers - the “share” link is at the bottom of this post. We thank you for helping! RESURRECTION EQUALS HIS INDWELLINGIt is estimated that less than 1% of humanity has NOT heard of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Knowing of His resurrection does little for the power contained within His sacrifice on the Roman Cross. Jesus’s resurrection is the central event in indwelling Christian theology—the cornerstone of new life—is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These profound life-changing moments, recorded in the New Testament, hold immense significance for believers worldwide. However, few understand the authentic “why” and the results of Jesus’s resurrection in daily living. Satan has made this memorial celebration about Easter Bunnies, eggs, roasted stuck pigs, fancy dresses, and a host of other meaningless idol imagery. God’s enemy has worked relentlessly for generations to delude the authentic message of His resurrection - to provide indwelling LIFE for all who receive the Holy Spirit of promise.I despise Easter more than words can express. The Paganism that Satan has weaved into this day is beyond abominable to the Lord. I liken it to dressing Jesus in an Easter bunny costume on His most Holy day of remembrance. It sickens me. I find nothing cute about the sacrifice our Husband, Savior, and Son of God made and paid to provide indwelling salvation to all those in want. The Death of Jesus ChristHere are the Triune elements of the context of the “why.”
The Seven Deplorable Elements of Crucifixion
Jesus’ death fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies that Isaiah and others referenced (Isaiah 53:5). His sacrifice provided redemption and reconciliation - opening a doorway to full restoration with God to those in want. The horrid day of the Cross would remain active for generations to come. As the Jewish law required a sacrificial flawless lamb, Jesus, Yesuah, became that LAMB and paid that price. The curtain in the temple tore from top to bottom, symbolizing direct access to God from the day of Yesuah’s death forward (Matthew 27:51).The Burial of Jesus Christ became one of the most infamous stories of world history. Joseph of Arimathea, a secret disciple, requested Jesus’ body for burial. Nicodemus, another Pharisee, assisted in the process. They wrapped Jesus’ body in linen and placed it in a new tomb hewed from a rock cliff. A large stone sealed the entrance, guarded by Roman soldiers. However, this did not stop the greatest miracle of the ages - the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ burial fulfilled the Scriptures (Isaiah 53:9). His resting place became a symbol of redemptive power—a seed of life birthing from the domain of darkness into the Kingdom of Light. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ shocked the world. On the third day, the day after the Jewish day of rest, the first day of the week for Jews to return to their labors, the women went to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body to camouflage the stench of death. To their astonishment, they found the stone rolled away and the tomb empty. Yesuah was nowhere to be found. As the women stood in disbelief, angels appeared, proclaiming, “He is not here; He has risen!” (Matthew 28:6).Jesus had conquered death, emerging from the grave. The resurrection validated Jesus’ claims of Divinity, new Life, and redemption forevermore. Yesuah defeated sin, death, and Satan. He now can offer indwelling eternal life to all who believe (John 11:25). The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ are core doctrines of authentic indwelling Christianity. They represent God’s love, grace, and victory over darkness. BUT KNOW THIS: it is the Resurrection of Jesus that provides the pathway to indwelling salvation by the means of accepting the Holy Spirit, the Life of Christ, into the believer’s mortal being.As uninformed and ignorant believers continue to celebrate Easter as an exaggerated pagan Christian holiday—the Holy facts remain in play, the glorious triumph of life over death—knowing that through Christ, we too can experience resurrection and eternal fellowship with our Creator and Husband by receiving His Spirit within our mortal souls. This is why our ministry calls it Indwelling Salvation. At this point, you should understand why I abhor the Easter Bunny? In regards to the paganism that accompanies “Easter,” I say, Satan, get yet behind me! Review what authentic indwelling salvation looks like. Read the sample salvation prayer if you are under conviction BY the Holy Spirit to receive salvation. HEREThanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |