It is an honor to have you as a member of our subscription service! Share today. REVELATION LOVE | A LOVE LETTERThe Book of Revelation may seem complex, harsh, and even intimidating, at its heart, it is a love letter from Jesus, filled with promises of His eternal love and the glorious future that awaits us.
What if Jesus was to write us a love letter?I hope this letter finds you with your mind fixed upon Me. You have asked for a letter directly from My heart to yours. Actually, I have written many to you from the hands of my faithful witnesses. Since you did not see my signature at the bottom of these letters, you have come to believe these letters are written by mere men. This is the farthest thing from the truth. I am writing to remind you of the boundless love that surrounds you, lives in you, and is noted in all My letters, including the book of Revelation - a love that is directed toward all who take the time to read them. Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made by My Father, unique in every way, and there is a purpose for your life. You are loved more than you can fathom, not for what you do or what you have achieved, but for the way and purpose our Father created you. In times of everlasting joy, remember to share My abundant love with those who persecute you. In times of sorrow, remember that it is okay to grieve and that you are never alone. You might not see Me, but I am with you. Reach out to others, for we are all placed on Abba’s earth to reveal His eternal love. Practice forgiveness, for it is the supernatural key to inner peace. Let go of grudges and bitterness, for they only weigh you down. Instead, choose love and understanding. Remember, depraved souls who do not know Me are fighting their own battles with their fallen nature. You must show them how My indwelling love heals all things. Lastly, remember when our Father disciplines His people, it is not due to a lack of love. My Father disciplines out of love and because of it. When you read my Revelation love letter, know that our Father is keeping His Word. May you always walk in and through My Spirit that lives within you! With all my love, Jesus. The Book of Revelation, often viewed as a harsh book of prophecy and end times, can also be seen as a profound love letter from Jesus. It is a testament to His enduring love for those God created and His desire for the Bride of Christ to overcome their trials and tribulations as God the Father begins to deliver discipline to those who have refuted Him for 6,000 years. In Revelation, Jesus reveals Himself as the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. This signifies His eternal presence and His encompassing love that has no beginning or end. He reassures us of His constant presence, available indwelling Life, designed to guide us through every challenge the believer faces. The messages to the seven churches in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 demonstrate His deep love and concern for His self-proclaimed born-again children. He acknowledges their deeds, hard work, and perseverance, showing His intimate love and knowledge of believers struggling to be faithful amid their struggles and His desire for all authentic Christians to remain true to their conversion. In doing so, He reminds them of the “how” they will overcome faithlessness. The visions of the New Jerusalem in the later chapters of Revelation depict a place where there will be no more death, mourning, crying, or pain. It is a literal place of promise, a wedding gift of sorts, to all who endured to the end. This is the ultimate expression of His love - a promise of a future where every tear will be wiped away, and everlasting joy will be ours. This is why I view the book of Revelation as a love letter from Jesus. So, while the Book of Revelation may seem complex, harsh, and even intimidating, at its heart, it is a love letter from Jesus, filled with promises of His eternal love and the glorious future that awaits us. It encourages us to remain steadfast in our faith, knowing that our trials are temporary, but His love for us is everlasting. Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |