SATURDAY, MARCH 30 - HOLY SATURDAY THIS IS IT! The Easter Vigil is the crown of the Holy Triduum and the center of the Church year. Learn all about the ancient liturgy in this explainer from The Pillar! READ
THIS IS IT! The Easter Vigil is the crown of the Holy Triduum and the center of the Church year. Learn all about the ancient liturgy in this explainer from The Pillar!READ
HOLY SATURDAY'S PSALM “Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.” (Psalm 104:30)READ
HOLY SATURDAY'S READINGS Holy Saturday's Mass readings.READ
EASTER SUNDAY’S PSALM “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.” (Psalm 118:24)READ
EASTER SUNDAY’S READINGS Easter Sunday's Mass readings.READ
ARTWORK The icon of the “The Harrowing of Hades,” sometimes called the “Anastasis,” depicts Jesus on Holy Saturday when he broke open the gates of hell and rescued the Holy Souls who had been awaiting their redeemer.READ
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The LOOP is a publication of CatholicVote Civic Action, a 501(c)(4) organization.
The LOOP is organized, funded, and published by faithful Catholic laity. We do not claim to speak for any individual bishop or the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
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