Thursday, May 30, 2024

aish....Bechukotai (Leviticus 26:3-27:34)Basic Parsha Compendium, PDF;Walking the Right Way;Coincidence or the Hand of God?;Slow Down!!;A Little Respect;Gambling on the Game of Life;Hate Speech and Intimidation at University of Toronto


Shabbat June 1, 2024 / 24 Iyar 5784
 Bechukotai  (Leviticus 26:3-27:34)
  Basic Parsha
Compendium, PDF


Walking the Right Way

As the Torah approaches the end of the Book of Leviticus, it dedicates several chapters to a description of the rewards for...


Coincidence or the Hand of God?

The Book of Leviticus ends with a somber warning. God admonishes us to beware of the terrible fate that will befall us if we...


Slow Down!!

But if you will not listen to Me and will not perform all of these commandments… I will assign upon you panic. (Lev....


A Little Respect

It's great to be respectful. The upcoming day of Lag B'Omer is special for many reasons. One of them is that it celebrates...


Gambling on the Game of Life

If we require someone to attend driving school before he is allowed to drive, and flying school before he is allowed to fly,...


Walk This Way

Leviticus 26:3 says, "If you will walk in My decrees and guard My commandments and you do them..." The verses go on to list...

Click here for more articles on the Weekly Torah Portion.


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Hate Speech and Intimidation at University of Toronto


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