It is an honor to have you as a member of our subscription service! Share today. IM CULTURE: Christian FeminismDr. Stephen Phinney: That matriarchal culture is now sweeping the globe like a plague of locusts. This movement sets the stage for the queen of the end times.MOTHER NATURE GONE WILDElara was a young woman who lived in a quiet town in the Midwest. She was a devout Christian, her heart aflame with love for Jesus Christ and the Word of God. Elara attended the little church on the corner of Church Hill & Boadway, where the pride of her community worshiped under a dynamic male pastor, who worked to merge saints and with the Holiness of God. Elara’s life was immersed in her father’s and mother’s faith, but as she grew older, she decided to leave her parent’s church and attend a local church with a female pastor. Her new pastor encouraged her to encounter new ideas that tugged at the fabric of her conservative beliefs. The teachings of the new pastor spread through the community, carrying with them challenges of equality and justice for women. Elara listened, her curiosity piqued. She met women who spoke of empowerment, of breaking free from male dominance and societal constraints. Feminism, they called it. At first, Elara resisted. She clung to the familiar patterns of the faith of her family, fearing that any deviation would unravel the familiar unity of her soul. But the more she learned, the more her heart wrestled. The women that supported her new pastor were strong, passionate, and unafraid. They challenged the status quo, demanding a place at the table and equal footing with men. Elara’s mind weakened as she became plagued with doubts regarding her childhood beliefs. She questioned the passages that seemed to limit women’s roles, wondering if God truly intended such boundaries. She prayed fervently, seeking guidance. Her church’s pastor, wise and gentle, listened to her struggles. She reminded her that God’s love transcended male human constructs and that His grace and call to leadership was for men and women. She reminded Elara that women are far more compassionate and make ideal Biblical leaders. And so, Elara continued to contemplate. She read books on theology, studied the lives of women in the Bible—Esther, Ruth, Mary Magdalene. Their stories revealed strength, resilience, and unwavering faith. Perhaps, she thought, feminism need not be at odds with her devotion to Christ. One day, as Elara sat by the community’s lake, her fingers tracing the threads of her life, she had a vision. A radiant figure appeared—an angelic teacher, much like her memories of Jesus. The teacher’s hands moved swiftly, creating intricate visionary images. Elara recognized the face—the Savior, Jesus Christ. “Child,” His voice echoed, “your doubts are part of the design. I wove them into your heart for a purpose.” “But Lord,” Elara whispered, “how can I reconcile my faith with these new ideas?” Jesus smiled. “Remember the Samaritan woman at the well? She, too, questioned tradition. Yet I revealed Myself to her, offering living water. Your struggle is a wellspring of growth. Elara, never mix the vein philosophies of the world with My pure teachings.” Elara came forth from the vision with a clear mind. She embraced both her faith and the Word of God, intertwining them like warp and weft. She realized that she could stand up for justice, advocating for men, women, children and most importantly, conducting her convictions under the authority of Jesus and her God given male leadership. She discovered the deception within her church. She revealed her new convictions to the church. Some disapproved, but others listened. Elara was forced to return to her parent’s fellowship, where her story became a testament—a blend of faith and the absolutes of God’s Word. Years passed, and Elara’s hair turned silver. She continued to encourage the younger women to love their husbands, honor their authority, and make a stand against the lies their depraved culture was forcing upon them. The community grew to respect and honor her. As she observed the women of the world becoming more dominant and exercising authority over the men, she frequented her vision that the Lord gave her in her youth. She had found her place—a discipler of women to honor the constructs of the Living God. That matriarchal culture is now sweeping the globe like a plague of locusts. This movement sets the stage for the queen of the end times – “for He [Jesus] has judged the great harlot who was corrupting the earth with her immorality.” If you hear of anyone who touts Matriarchal spirituality or governance, run quickly, hide – for there is a queen bee chasing you, and her sting is to be feared. She will offer you her feministic white magic in the first half of her seven-year reign, but in the second half - nothing but black magic.Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |