Thursday, September 26, 2024

Breaking: Police Assaulted As Mass Mobs Terrorize Entire City BY MARK MEGAHAN SEPTEMBER 25, 2024


Breaking: Police Assaulted As Mass Mobs Terrorize Entire City

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When the mob pulls out a flamethrower to use against police, you would think city officials would do something about it. Not in Philadelphia. The city of Brotherly Love is simply letting the “brothers” take over the city. Saturday night was a perfect example as “hundreds of dangerous drag racers terrorized the streets.” Harmless and fun activities for the whole community included “setting off fireworks, vandalizing vehicles and even charging at cops trying to rein in the chaos.

Police under attack

Police in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, were totally overwhelmed and barely escaped with their lives on Saturday, September 21. According to a statement, “there were at least 11 illegal meetups across the city between 9:30 p.m. and 4:30 a.m. Saturday night.” Using the word “meetups” makes the rioting and mayhem seem friendly.

Over on the west coast, they call the same behavior a “sideshow.” Their cops aren’t doing anything to stop them, either. Residents feel trapped. “You can’t get out because it’s happening right in front of your house,” Adi Kamugisha, a “mother to a young baby” told local reporters.

According to the Philadelphia Police Department there wasn’t a single thing they could do. Local law abiding citizens are urged to find someplace less Democrat to live. Each of the 11 episodes on Saturday night drew “between 50 and 200 cars and crowds of even more people.” There’s plenty of video swirling around on social media taken by “terrified bystanders.

Exciting footage of “cars doing donuts at intersections set ablaze, cheering people standing close at hand and leaping out of the way of cars and flames, fireworks exploding overhead and amongst the crowds, and cars engaging in high-speed drag-racing in the heart of the city.

Next week’s show will be even better, organizers promise. Cops thought about making an attempt at law enforcement until “hooligans even brought a flame-thrower.

Cars making illegal moves at high speed “attempting to flee drove directly at police officers.” One driver flinched in the game of chicken and swerved, “striking an innocent bystander.

There were at least 11 illegal meetups across the city.

Five cop cars damaged

One Philadelphia officer was injured and “at least five police cars were damaged in the chaos.” As related by PPD Deputy Commissioner Mike Cram, “there’s officers in the car, they’re jumping on the windshield. They’re physically doing damage. They don’t care about your safety.

Even worse, they don’t care about “their own safety. If you’ve all seen the videos with their behavior, they really don’t care. It’s just about how much chaos can we cause?

Apparently, as much as they want. “Police believe the weekend’s chaos was an organized retaliation against the city’s recent efforts to crack down on drag racing, and that it was coordinated on social media by the same groups of people who have staged recent meet-ups.” Go ahead, make our day, the street punks dare.

Cars were filmed drifting in circles dangerously close to spectators, who often ran for cover.” One of the biggest riots was right in front of City Hall.

Deputy Commissioner Francis Healy warns participants that someday, an officer will track them down and bring them to justice. “We have your picture. We’re coming for you. Do you think you got away last night? We’re coming with search warrants, and we’re coming with arrest warrants.” Sure they are.

The police may round up a few and make a big deal about them on TV but the vast majority will be back doing it again. “It makes me scared for the people who attend. I don’t know how they aren’t scared themselves that one of them are going to get hurt, or die eventually from the dangerous activities that go on,” Philadelphia resident Trae Jordan notes.

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