When It’s Right to Break the Rules
Understanding When Obeying God Comes Before Human Regulations.

Rules are an essential part of any society, providing structure and order. However, as Christians, we are called to a higher standard—the authority of God’s Word. While most rules are meant for good, there are times when obeying human regulations may conflict with obeying God. So, when is it acceptable to break the rules? Here are four biblical situations that show us when following God’s will might mean going against the norms of society.
1. When Obeying the Law Would Mean Disobeying God
The most clear-cut situation where it is right to break the rules is when human laws or commands contradict God's commands. The Bible provides several examples of this. In the book of Daniel, King Nebuchadnezzar commanded that all people worship a golden image, but Daniel’s friends—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—refused. They responded to the king, “We will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up” (Daniel 3:18). Their faithfulness to God outweighed the command of the king.
Similarly, in Acts 5:29, Peter and the apostles, when commanded by authorities to stop preaching about Jesus, boldly replied, “We must obey God rather than human beings!” They understood that God's authority takes precedence over human laws, especially when those laws contradict God’s clear instructions.
2. When Human Regulations Are Unjust or Unethical
There are times when rules or systems in place are unjust or unethical, and standing up against them becomes a moral obligation. Throughout history, many Christians have taken bold stands against unjust laws, especially those that oppress the vulnerable. Think of the civil rights movement in the U.S., where many, inspired by their Christian faith, broke the laws of segregation in order to pursue justice and equality.
Proverbs 31:8-9 calls believers to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” When following certain laws or systems perpetuates injustice, it is not only acceptable but necessary to challenge and break those rules in pursuit of God’s justice.
3. When Rules Hinder the Spread of the Gospel
Jesus’s Great Commission calls us to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). In some parts of the world, governments have placed restrictions on evangelism, limiting the ability to share the gospel. Yet, even in these places, many Christians continue to spread the message of Jesus, despite the consequences.
In countries where it is illegal to hold worship services or distribute Bibles, underground churches thrive as believers prioritize the eternal mission of spreading the gospel over human restrictions. While breaking these rules can carry heavy penalties, the importance of sharing the hope of Christ takes precedence.
4. When Rules Prevent Compassion and Mercy
One of the most powerful lessons Jesus taught was the importance of mercy over rigid rule-following. In Matthew 12, Jesus and His disciples were accused of breaking the Sabbath because they picked grain to eat when they were hungry. In response, Jesus reminded the Pharisees that God desires “mercy, not sacrifice” (Matthew 12:7). He emphasized that compassion and care for others should not be sacrificed for the sake of blindly following rules.
Jesus also healed on the Sabbath, despite it being considered “work” by the religious leaders of the day (Luke 13:10-17). His actions demonstrated that showing mercy and meeting human needs are higher priorities than following man-made rules that might prevent compassion.
As followers of Christ, our ultimate allegiance is to God and His Word. While we are called to respect and obey authority (Romans 13:1), there are situations where human rules contradict God’s commands. In those moments, we must choose to follow Him, trusting that His will is higher than any earthly regulation.
If you are facing a situation where following the rules feels at odds with following God, prayerfully seek His guidance, study His Word, and consider how your actions can honor Him above all else. If this message resonated with you, feel free to share it or subscribe to our newsletter for more faith-based insights.
Simon K V • 9 hours ago
With humility and Heavenly Wisdom .