Clinton Puts Deplorables on Notice
Shoot, even when I was talking about this with a friend all the way back at the time of the 2008 election, this Democrat mind you said that if the Democrats wanted to lose a Presidental election that the first thing they should do was nominate Hillary Clinton.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is once again opening her mouth to spew nonsense, this time in an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”
Democrats tend to prop up unlikeable people because of their gender or race, ignoring the fact that they have failed miserably in their so-called political careers, and Hillary Clinton is no exception. The only reason she became famous was because she was married to former President Bill Clinton, but her actual political career included being the ineffective junior senator from New York, doing a terrible job as secretary of state, and running two failed presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016.
Of course, the way the left idolizes her, you would think she was a huge success, and it appears that she believes that lie too.
Clinton just put out a new novel, ‘State of Terror’ which she worked on alongside author Louise Penny.
In a discussion about the book, “Good Morning America” co-host Amy Robach asked the failed presidential candidate: “I believe you said it’s up to us to make the plot stays fictional. After writing this, any interest in getting back in the game of politics?”
“I will never be out of the game of politics,” Clinton responded. “I’m not going to be running for anything. I really feel, Amy — I know George was interviewing Adam Schiff before —I really feel like our democracy is at stake. And there’s many reasons for that, some of them we saw on the screen with the insurrection, some of them because of the revelations of Facebook, creates a world of disinformation.”