No more excuses. With the signs of the end so visible, there can simply be no more excuses for spiritual apathy and indifference. God has made the signposts of Christ’s imminent return blazingly obvious to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear. These signs are converging rapidly, gaining speed like a freight train. Our goal at Tipping Point is to showcase these events in light of what the Bible says. Because you are a free subscriber, I want to think you for supporting our work. You are refusing to ignore the deafening wake-up call reverberating across the heavens and the earth. You are standing firm for God’s truth at a moment when so many are fighting against it. But you are also only receiving a fraction of what we publish at Tipping Point. If you upgrade to a paid subscription, you’ll receive several more posts each week, including our full videos and podcast episodes, as well as occasional free books and resources that we give our paid community. (Our most recent free giveaway was a short book Mark Hitchcock and I wrote called What Will Happen to America? 10 Questions for the End Times.) Here are seven things to be thinking about this weekend. 1. Wisdom from ScriptureMy little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.—1 John 2:1 (NKJV) 2. Quote to Consider“You might wonder why it is so important for Christian to live righteous lives if the world is going to get so bad anyway. Why is it important for you to minister to your family, work diligently in your job, contribute generously to your church with your time and finances, and vote righteously when the time comes to cast your ballot? What difference will it make if Jesus is coming and the world becomes even worse in the meantime? The difference it will make is you! You will give a witness to the Light in the middle of the darkness.” [from my book, Tipping Point: The End is Here] 3. Pay Attention to This NewsYou may have missed it due to the heavy news coverage of Hurricane Helene—as of yesterday, reports indicated that the storm had been blamed for at least 30 deaths, a number that will no doubt rise—but yesterday also brought an extremely concerning statement from Russian president Vladimir Putin. He signaled that Moscow will consider responding with nuclear weapons if the U.S. and its allies allow Ukraine to “strike deep inside Russia” with western missiles. The next question is whether or not he’s bluffing, or actually means it. He wants the West to limit its support for Ukraine. If he views a rival nuclear power like the U.S. supporting a Ukrainian attack within Russia, Putin’s nuclear red line could mean the start of World War 3. 4. Comment of the Week“Yes, we’re all human and we’re not calling for an exact date, but given all the signs and all that is transpiring around Israel, the timing of this incoming asteroid seems to increase the probability that we’re getting ever closer to the Rapture.” 5. Prayer of the Week“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” Faithful Father, make us Your dependable ambassadors who bring Your Kingdom’s light to the dark places of this world. Ignite passion within us to build relationships and resources for global, gospel witness until Jesus comes again. Use us to capture many hearts with Calvary’s love. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 6. Link of the Week“Enough is enough.” Yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a very persuasive speech to the United Nations General Assembly, in which he detailed exactly why Israel must eliminate both Hamas and Hezbollah. It started this way: “Ladies and gentlemen, I didn’t intend to come here this year. My country is at war, fighting for its life. But after I heard the lies and slanders leveled at my country by many of the speakers at this podium, I decided to come here and set the record straight. I decided to come here to speak for my people.” Despite calls for a ceasefire, Netanyahu vowed not to waver in his defense of Israel, and ended with very strong warning to Iran, which backs the terrorist organizations Israel is fighting. “I have a message for the tyrants of Tehran,” he said. “If you strike us, we will strike you.” I encourage you to read the full text of his speech at The Times of Israel. 7. Headline of the WeekTrump campaign says U.S. intelligence warned of Iranian threats to his life—Times of Israel This Week’s VideosEnd-Times Resources from Tipping PointWe are so grateful to your support of our ministry by buying and giving away end-times books like these. As we get closer to the holiday season, consider giving one of our books to someone you love: What’s Next? AI & the Antichrist [2024] What’s Next? Israel-Gaza War [2023] End Times Answers: 100 Questions from Real People [2023] Look Up! Awaiting the Rapture and Our Final Redemption [2023] Where Are the Missing People? [2022] Tipping Point: The End is Here [2020] You’re a free subscriber to Tipping Point Prophecy Update. For the full experience, become a paying subscriber using the link below to receive 15% off your annual subscription. |