The Marvels Our Lady Performs in Poland Are Amazing

To endure our daily battles, God has sent angels, saints and Our Lady to encourage the faithful in the practice of virtue.
Our Lady has appeared on numerous occasions throughout history to individuals and groups. Her message is always one of beckoning her devotees to repent, adore and love her Son more and to do what she asks of us. As a mother, Our Lady desires the salvation of our souls. We can achieve this goal by heeding her requests and spreading devotion to her.
These apparitions to Saints and blesseds have often resulted in the founding of shrines and sanctuaries. Crowds of pilgrims stream to these places and receive extraordinary favors and cures.
Well-known shrines like Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City and France’s Lourdes shrine draw millions every year.
Lesser-known shrines of Our Lady have also bestowed innumerable graces and miracles. One such shrines is Our Lady of Czestochowa in Poland. An account of these marvels is recorded in the inspirational volume The Glories of Czestochowa and Jasna Gora. Originally published in 1955, the stories lose nothing of their freshness. The accounts come from the archives of the Paulist Fathers at her shrine at the Jasna Gora monastery, where the miraculous image has remained for centuries.
The book’s first section tells the history of Our Lady of Czestochowa, which dates back to apostolic times since it is said that Saint Luke painted this picture of Our Lady.
The history is long and, at times, afflictive. Such was the case of the siege of Czestochowa in 1655 when the Protestant Swedes surrounded the shrine. Many miracles occurred during that failed siege, including appearances of Our Lady that terrified the Swedes. Our Lady protected the shrine by causing the canon balls that were fired at it to be hurled back at the enemy.1
Eternal and Natural Law: The Foundation of Morals and Law
The final part of the volume chronicles individual miracles, which include healing, raising from the dead and amazing conversions.
One impressive miracle involved the secret conversion of Zosia, a daughter in a Protestant family. The young daughter had repeatedly asked the Catholic family maid about her Faith, which led to the conversion.
When her parents found out, they were furious. They tried to change her mind, even offering bribes, but all to no avail. The parents then resorted to threats and punishments. This also failed. Thus, in their fury, the parents threaten to burn her alive.
When the pious girl, with great fortitude, declared her fidelity to the Church, the father prepared the wood and, with the help of others, placed the young girl on the pyre.
Little Zosia stood and shouted, “Our Lady of Czestochowa, be my Protectress!” A lighted torch then ignited the blaze. Soon, the entire pyre raged with flames. Amid the flames, through the intervention of Our Lady, Zosia remained untouched. However, her parents did not convert upon seeing this wonder. Indeed, those consumed with hatred for the Faith are not converted even by miracles. Conversion is the fruit of grace. Zosia’s parents continued to persecute her even after this public miracle. Eventually, Zosia fled to Jasna Gora to be with Our Lady, who saved her.
This example is one of many in page after page of miracles.
This book is an excellent means to give us hope. Surrounded by temptations, hatred for our Faith, grave public sin and suffering, this book provides the proofs of heavenly aid and will help readers to love our Catholic Faith and Our Lady more and more.
May Our Lady of Czestochowa fill our souls with hope, unwavering fidelity, and grace to increase our closeness to Jesus and Our Lady and the grace to defend them and the Holy Catholic Church!
Photo Credit: © rparys –
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