Israel Tells Biden to Shove it Where the Sun Doesn’t Shine

In a diplomatic way, Israel recently told Joe Biden to take his cease fire plans and shove them where the sun don’t shine. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a better idea. Bomb the goat humpers back to the stone age. At least, all the radical ones who have been terrorizing the Jews for decades. His bold plan is “to secure Israeli military dominance in the region.” There’s only one way to do that, “decisive victories.” Half-wars may be good for the arms dealers and bankers but they never accomplish anything for anyone else. Netanyahu decided it’s time to put in action the goals set by the late, great Ariel Sharon.
Israel is about to adopt a plan crafted by former army general and prime minister Ariel Sharon. Benjamin Netanyahu knew Sharon well and succeeded him in office. They didn’t always agree on important issues and some say they didn’t always disagree on them as much as it seemed, either.
While Netanyahu opposed what Sharon wanted to do in Gaza when he had the chance, he’s older and wiser now. He gets what Sharon was trying to do and totally understands why total destruction is absolutely necessary, even if it infuriates global public opinion. Sometimes, a true leader must do nasty and distasteful things to ensure a peaceful and prosperous state. That’s just the way it goes.
First on the list is Hamas. Netanyahu considers that faction’s “military defeat a first step toward closing loopholes left over from the conclusion of past wars that, in his mind, guaranteed future ones.” He’s made it quite clear he “wants only decisive victories.”
Since he has that job almost mopped up, he’s turning his attention to Hezbollah. They got that message loud and clear when Israel exploded their pagers and radios, killing over 200 of their operatives. “Tens of thousands” more were injured.
While there were lots of Iranian sponsored riots in Israel over the way Gaza was handled, the people aren’t expected to get nearly as wound up over what Netanyahu plans next, even though it’s just as drastic. “His broader objectives have incited wide support and almost no domestic opposition.”
Hugh Lovatt, a senior researcher at the European Council on Foreign Relations notes, “Even if an opposition party came to power, Israel’s strategic position is unlikely to be dramatically altered.” He’s certain of one thing, the “two-state solution” as it now stands is totally DOA. Palestine may end up with a state of their own but not the one they’ve had their sights on for years.

Reoccupation of Gaza
Israel is already “constructing a limited reoccupation” of Gaza to “subdue” resistance as Sharon recommended. He was prime minister from 2001 to 2006. Back in 2005, he “decided to abandon the coastal enclave, raze 21 settlements there and send 8,000 Israeli citizens home.”
Letting the goat humpers have the Gaza strip turned out to be a huge mistake but “it was the end of a troublesome occupation that began in 1967 during the Six Day War.” He thought the fence would keep them out and it did. Until October 7, 2023.
Netanyahu “has embarked on a pared-down reoccupation.” For instance, on the Gaza side of two borders with Israel, “military engineers have cleared housing and vegetation a half mile deep.” That’s to create “a buffer zone that will ease military surveillance, patrolling and create a free-fire zone.”
Netanyahu also plans “to militarize the southern border abutting Egypt.” Troops are on patrol in the Philadelphi Corridor right now and they’re going to stay there for good. There will be other measures including watchtowers along the fences and roads built to divide the strip for better Israeli security.
Up in the West Bank, Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant plans to be “mowing the lawn.” That means Israel will be “mounting armed incursions into nominally Palestinian-governed territory.” The idea is “ease the preemption of armed groups, either by detaining or killing their members.” He calls recent raids in the West Bank “pulling out the roots.”
Regarding Lebanon, “Netanyahu announced the goal of driving Hezbollah away from the northern border in order to permit some 60,000 Israeli residents who had fled the area since October 7 to return.” To back it up, Israel “transferred two army battalions—about 20,000 soldiers, along with tanks and transport of mobile artillery–to the Lebanese border.“